Chapter Fourteen- Louis Misses Her Dearly

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(One Direction- You & I)

Chapter Fourteen- Louis Misses Her Dearly

Four Months Later,

It was now November and only three more months until Louis comes back home to be with Dakota and of course his family.

Right now, the boys were on stage for the concert in New York.

Louis misses Dakota dearly and haven't been himself lately.

When they started singing 'You And I' and it was Louis's turned to sing his solo, he broke down into tears.

Liam came over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Mate, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Liam"

"You're crying, so something's wrong"

"Nothing's wrong Liam" said Louis as he pushed Liam and sprinted towards the back stage.

Louis went to his dressing room and slammed the door and slid against the door, pulling his knees to his chest and breaking down again.

When the concert was over, Louis had stayed in his dressing room even when the concert was still going on, Liam walked over his dressing room and knocked the door.

"Louis, open up, we need to talk" spoke Liam from the other side of the door.

"There's nothing to talk about Liam, I'm fine if you wanted to know" croaked out Louis.

"I know that something is bothering you Louis, now open up the door" Liam started shaking the door knob until Louis opened the door and let him inside.

Liam shut the door and took a seat on the couch that was inside Louis's dressing room.

"Now, I'm going to ask you this once again, what's bothering you?"

"It's that I miss Dakota a lot" answered Louis shaking his head.

"Louis, you are going to her once three months are over" Liam said, "I know it may be hard trying not to think about her a lot, but just try Louis and don't think about how many months there is until you go to her Louis. You'll see that three months will fly by."

"I can't, she's my other half, she's my world, she's my everything Liam" cried Louis.

Liam hated seeing his friend in this state, an idea popped in his head and he knew how he was going to cheer up Louis.

"Cheer up mate, try not to think about her so much" insisted Liam and Louis nodded his head.

"Hey Dakota, do you think you could come here in New York?" asked Liam over the phone.

"I could, but why Liam? Is there something wrong? Is Louis alright?" questioned Dakota bombarding Liam with questions.

Liam now could see, well hear, that Dakota cared about Louis so much and Louis cared about her so much.

"It's that, Louis missed you like crazy and me and the boys don't like seeing him all upset" replied back Liam, "So, if you could, please come to New York."

"I will come, but I will have to come next week because this week I'm with my family"

"No problem, at long as you come Dakota"

"Okay, bye Liam"

"Thank you so much Dakota and have a lovely week with your family"

Love always, Kara xoxo

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