Chapter 1

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So I made a character a while ago named Dimension Jumper, and I haven't drawn/used her a lot, so, I decided to write this about her. (BTW, I've been working on this for a couple months.) *edited

Dimi fell out of her portal, her hair was almost burned completely off except for a short amount of it, she shut her portal and saw she had landed in an alleyway in some town. Dusting herself off, she saw that her bag was next to her, her money pocket was full of yen. And a good amount at that. She examined the rest of the bag, all her weapons were in place, and not a single one was missing. She picked herself up and picked up her bag, starting to walk out of the alley.

Dimi looked around once she was out of the alley, to get a good look at where she was at. A couple people glanced at her hair, but then just walked past.

Dimi just ignored them and kept walking. 'You know... maybe I should stay for a little while. I'm always jumping from dimension to dimension without ever stopping to enjoy one...' She thought, 'I must appear like a fourteen or fifteen year old in human years, and in a way, I am. So, I guess I start high school...'

She saw a poster with a huge rosy school on it. And words on it that said, "Apply now!"

"It couldn't hurt." She muttered, looking at the poster. She saw the apply by date and saw she had about two weeks until the exam, the date for the applications to be in. A week. 'That should be enough time.' She thought. 'I can probably get a full ride if I wanted to... since if I'm going to be staying, I'll need a place to live for a while.'

Dimi started to walk along the sidewalk, looking for a house or apartment she could buy or rent for a couple years. She saw an open place at an apartment complex, she walked into the main building and up to the destination, asking where she could go to buy the apartment.

"I'm sorry, you have to be at least 21 to buy an apartment." The guy said.

Dimi sighed, "should of known..." She muttered, she looked at the guy, "But I am 21. I know I look rather young, but I have proof I am." She looked at the man directly in the eyes, using her manipulative abilities to make him convinced she was older than 21. He pointed her down the hall and into an office, where she first manipulated the man's mind to think she was older than 21.

"Yes. We have one open apartment, though it will be around 1,000 yen a year. He said.

"Okay." Dimi said, she reached into her money pocket handed him a bag of yen, "that should be 4,000 yen. Enough for four years." She said. She waited for him to count it out, and he nodded after he did.

"The apartment is yours." He said, and gave her the key and told her that there was a bathroom and counters, along with a fridge in the apartment, but she would have to buy everything else herself.

"I guessed that would be the case." Dimi said, walking out. She walked towards the apartment and unlocked the door, seeing it was for a single person, with a place for a bedroom and a dining room. She placed her bag down and grabbed her scissors, walking in the bathroom and looking in the mirror, she cut off the seared ends of her hair. After she finished, she looked at the finished result.

What used to be a long black tangled mess was now a short, black hair, though she made sure her bangs fell over her eyes. She looked at herself and saw she did look a bit like a guy, though not too much, maybe enough to be mistaken for a guy. She took off her hoodie  to show a black tank top under it. She changed to a red hoodie, since the blue one had dirt and burn marks on it. She sat down on the floor and started her application process.

She finished it in a week, taking breaks every so often to buy some stuff for her apartment, she now had a table, a bed, a desk, food, a washing and drying machine and others of the sorts.

Then a week passed and it was the day of the entrance exam, she was standing in front of the school, 'it's bigger in person' She thought to herself ' and pinker'. She heard a bell ring that signified that the test will be starting in half in hour. She decided to walk inside the school and into the assigned classroom, ready to take the test.

Afterwards, Dimi felt relaxed, 'that was simple knowledge.' She though, considering she's had about 100 years of studying the topics, which were like second nature to her now.

She was sure she would get the scholarship, not like she really needed it, she had enough money for the tuition, but she would like a free ride. She was finally taking time off for herself, no monsters. Just school.

A month later, she got a letter from the school, she opened it and smiled seeing she got the scholarship and accepted. She smiled and walked into her apartment, shutting the door behind her.

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