Chapter 3

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Over he next couple of days, Dimi helped out around the host club, going to the store last minute, setting up for the different themes, and helping come up with costume ideas with the group.

When she came in on Friday, she was faced with the club members. "Hello Dimi." Tamaki said, "the club has been thinking, and we have decided to allow you to join the host club."

Dimi looked at him, just staring as him through her bangs. "Can I pass?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. "I don't mean to be rude, but, I'm not really into being a hos-" She was cut off as Tamaki pulled her towards the group.

Kyoya looked up at her, smirked, then went back down to writing in his black notebook.

"Come on, you have to be kidding." Tamaki said, "any man would want to be part of a Host club."

Dimi just looked at him, "You won't let me pass up the offer, will you." She sighed.

"Nope!" Tamaki said, "From now on, you are now a member of the Oraun High School Host club!" He smiled. "Now, before you get started, we need to get the hair out of your eyes." He reached towards Dimi and moved her bangs to the sides.

"Hey!" Dimi exclaimed, "Don't touch my hair!" She looked up at Tamaki, who was just staring, then he stood up and snapped his fingers. "Kaoru, Hikaru, you know what to do."

They both got behind Dimi, "Got it boss." They picked her up and dragged her to the changing rooms.

"Hey! Let go!" Dimi said, trying to escape their grip. She was pushed into the changing stall.

"Change into this." Hikaru said, hiding up the boys uniform.

"Fine." Dimi said, "but you two out!"

"Nonsence." Hikaru said, he walked up to her along with Kaoru and started to tug off her hoodie, stopping once he saw her with her hoodie off.

There was a burn scar leading up from her chest to the bottom of her neck. And they also realized she was a girl, seeing her rather feminine body.

Dimi looked up at the two, "I said out." She said, kicking them out. She turned and looked at the mirror, taking off her undershirt and seeing the bandages covering her chest and some of the scar on the skin trailing onto her stomach and up onto her right shoulder. She sighed, then started to get dressed.

When she stepped out, she saw that everyone was gathered around the stall. "So..." She said awkwardly.

Tamaki stared at her. Then he stepped towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Then he pulled her close for a hug, "Oh my God you're adorable! The girls are going to love you!"

Dimi shouted out in surprise, and pulled herself away. "You could of at least given me some warning." She said, sighing. She fixed the tie, "What now."

Tamaki smiled. "Well now. You start your first hosting."

A while later Dimi watched as the girls left, she did get a couple requests for the next day.

"Good job my rookie." Tamaki said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Dimi sighed, "Thanks. But I'm going home now." Dimi said, brushing his hand off, she started to walk away, "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said, then headed to the apartment.

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