An Order

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"Come with me.", Severus -Tom had caught his name- told Tom when he came back, Avery following closely.
"Avery. Stay here.", Severus added curtly.
Avery frowned, but didn't object.
Severus seemed to be feared and in control.
"But, sir-", Tom wanted to say he could just return to his seat, when Severus interrupted him with a warning look.
Tom followed Severus to Dippet's old office.
A thousand questions ran through Tom's mind, but he knew asking any of them would make him look suspicious and that was the last thing he wanted.
They arrived at Severus' office.
"Close the door and sit down.", Tom did as he was told.
This Severus man scared him.
He looked like he knew more than Tom and his eyes said he knew how much Tom knew and how much he'd like to know.
"It's 1998.", Severus stated.
Tom was caught completely off guard. His jaw dropped and he was still for a few seconds.
"Wh-what? ", Tom asked.
"Let's not take detours, alright. I know who you are and when you are from. I'm headmaster Snape."
Snape was met by silence.
"However, I would love to know how and why you came here.", Tom knew denying anything was useless.
But he did it anyways "I - I have you no idea what you're talking about..sir.", Tom said coldly.
"Tom Marvolo Riddle. Born 1926. Muggle father named Tom. Father abandoned you and you're witch mother. She died. You used to live in a muggle orphanage.. and you're the heir of Slytherin himself!", Snape stated with a smug smile.
Tom's jaw dropped. "Did..Did you talk to Trelawny?", Tom asked.
Snap scowled as though that wasn't the response full of admiration he'd expected. "No. Are you-", Tom interrupted Snape.
"Yes. That's all true. I am the heir of Slytherin himself and as for your questions: I'm from the past and I'd wager I'm older than you are. I came to see the peak of my power.", it was Tom's turn to smile. Snape had a hidden ( not so well seeing as Tom could see it ) look of fear on his face.
"I believe you know me by my other name, too. Have I already started using it? Probably.", Tom stood up now completely in control of the conversation. "Lord Voldemort. Has a ring to it, don't you think ?", Tom smiled.
"Now..Severus. I'd like you to show me myself in the peak of my power.", Tom took out his wand and pointed it at Snape.
Snape stood up to look taller than Tom "As you wish.", and with distaste he added "My lord."

"Who is that Harry Potter you were talking about before?", Tom asked waiting for Snape to finish his preparations.
"Oh, it's no one, my Lord. Just the someone I'll send you to. He'll show you what you seek.", Snape said and behind Tom's back he was smiling wickedly.

"So why don't you show me, yourself? Severus. ", Tom asked, his wand was still pointed at Snape.
"I can't, my Lord. I took over the school and killed Dumbledore for you and if I leave, they might get a new headmaster. You told me to keep an eye on the school.", Tom nodded half understanding what the man was saying. He was too distracted, too excited to concentrate on the boring strategic stuff right now. He wanted to see himself in all his power and then head right back to his time to make the right decision.

"I never liked the old man.", Tom said absently.

"Neither did I, my Lord. He was too old anyways.", Snape grumbled.

"Wait a moment.", Tom turned around. "Didn't you say anyone who knew should tell you where that Harry Potter is? How are you going to send me there?" Tom eyed Snape suspiciously.
"Were you lying to me?", Tom raised his voice slightly. He wasn't sure how far he could go with the greasy man.
"No, my Lord.", Snape answered calmly. "I know where the boy is. I had to act as though I didn't."
"And did you tell my other self?", Tom asked.
"No. I was going to, until I met your younger self and now if I tell your other self, you won't be able to go there and see just how powerful you are."

Tom nodded .

"Stand in the circle and repeat after me: Quaerens virtutis ductu quaero de Harrius Potter (Latin translation after A/N)", Snape said hiding an evil smile from Tom.

Tom did as he was told and for the second time this day, everything went black.

The moment he woke up, he was met by the tips of three wands pointed directly at his face.

Hey everyone.
Sorry it took long to publish this chapter. Class trip, so yeah. I can't use the phone the whole time.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.
Next chapter coming up soon.
Open for feedback and comments :)

Latin translates:
Seeking power, I seek the guidance of Harry Potter.

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