Dumb Black Veil Brides Fanfiction moments

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-Main girl is always abused

-Juliet is seen as a bitch and Sammi is seen as the hyper, super nice goth chick

-She's always a carbon copy of Andy with black hair, blue eyes and alot of pircings and tatoos

-The main girl's wardrobe contains BVB clothes and merchendice Batman clothes and merchandice, beanies and black skinny jeans

-Blood on th Dance Floor always seem to sneak into the story somehow

-Girls favorite bands are Asking Alexandra,Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, BOTDF and of course BVB

-By BVB fanfic they mean Mostly Andy Beirsack fanfic since the other band members are almost never there.

-5 guys all dressed in black and wearing makeup go into a orphanage and adopt a 13 year old girl and the people that run the orphange don't even bat an eye.

-When the title of the book is one of their song titles

-She lives in an orphanage but has a phone, hot topic clothes and an Ipod that all has BVB stuff on it

-Jinxx squeals when he sees anything hello kitty

-Jake is almost never mentioned

-The girl is 'saved' by them. Did she get kidnapped by the Joker and Andy turned into Batman and saved her or something?

-OC ALWAYS has to have some tramatic life story

-OC has is a badass but when one person says she's ugly she runs home, starts sobbing and cutting

-C.C drinks cherry coke like his life depends on it

-When the band are vampires that kidnap the main girl

-When the author thinks Ashley is a girl. Ok I know his name is femanine but he is a 100% male

-The band finds a random fangirl on their tour bus and they just let her stay with them like it's no big deal. Um I'm pretty sure they would call security or the poice or something and get her off the bus.

-One Direction and Black Veil Brides together in a fanfic. NO NO NO NO NO  NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO X INFINITY +1

-Girl was abused when she was younger and cuts herslef and doesn't talk to no one but when she Meets Andy she spills her whole life story when they have only met for 5 seconds

-Says girl is mute but talks more than anyone out of the book. I've seen this so many times when you are mute you DO NOT I repeat DO NOT talk. You are pretty much like a mime without the makeup and black and white striped shirt


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