Dumb Jack Frost/Jelsa Fanfiction moments

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-The main characters name or last name always has to be related to winter or just winter spelled differently. Ex: Ice, Wynter, chill etc.

-The main girls mother or grandmother told her stories about Jack Frost until they died of something mysterious then she reminises about her mother or grandmother telling her stories about Jack Frost.

-Jack and Elsa are in highschool apparently.

-Elsa becomes a guardian even though it's completly ilogical because she is not a holiday/mythical creature.

-The character always seems to meet Jack Frost when shes dying from hypothermea in a bizzard.

-The title also has to be related to winter and love like: 'My Frozen Heart ' or 'Ice Cold Romance'

- Jackunzel vs Jelsa.

-Now Jack and Elsa are in Hogwarts.

-The main character is the daughter of Jamie or Pitch Black.

-Main girl can control fire.

-Jack has been watching Elsa for a long time. (stalker much)

- The man character recives winter powers from Jack or something and she masters them in 10 minutes.

-Jack was sent to protect Elsa from something that isnèt even explained until half way through the book.

-Main girl was born by the moon.

-Rise Of The Brave Tangled (or Frozen) Dragons.

-Battle between good Jack and evil Jack.

-Anna is pretty non-existent in Jelsa Fanfics.

-Pitch kidnapps Elsa and Jack and the guardians have to save her.

-The main character is 'the chosen one.

-Elsa is the shy nerdy new girl and Jack Frost is the badass cocky popular jock.





Thank you :)

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