New Neighbour

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A/N: In this imagine, you're attending a neighbourhood party. Then you meet someone special, and things get interesting

I finished the final touches of my makeup, and walked to the neighbourhood pool / community center, which was only about ten minutes away.

     By the time I got there, the parking lot was nearly filled. I glanced at my watch before entering the community center. It was 5:30PM, and the party started at 5:00PM. I was fashionably late, whoops. Better late than never.

     I walked into the community center, immediately scanning the room for my friend – and neighbour – Chelsea. She lived just down the street from me. I couldn't seem to find her, so I texted her.

Me: Chels, I'm here at the party, where u at?

🌊🍷🍿Chelsea🍿🍷🌊: Sorry I didn't text you earlier, I was sleeping. I'm sick, I can't come🤒😢😁

Me: Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Do you need me to bring you anything?

🌊🍷🍿Chelsea🍷🌊: Actually, yeah. If you don't mind, can you bring me two six packs of Cup-O-Noodles, a giant pack of tissues, crackers, ginger ale, cough drops, and a warm blanket?

Me: Yeah, no problem. I'm be at your place with everything ASAP

🌊🍷🍿Chelsea🍿🍷🌊: Ahhh, thank you so much Y/N! You're a life saver! Txt me when you get here. If I don't respond, I might be asleep, so just use the key I gave you.

Me: Np, Chels, I'll be there ASAP😘

Not paying close attention to my surroundings, I rush towards the exit. I ran straight into a wall and fell to the ground, groaning. I rubbed my head with my hand. Damn, that hurt.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up, my breath catching as I met eyes with the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen dressed in a long black coat, a burgandy polo, black pants, and black shoes. He was tall, with dark brown hair gelled up, chocolately brown eyes, and plump, pink lips.

"Uh... y-yeah... I think..."

He offered me his hand. I took it and stood with his help, nearly tripping as I stood, but he caught me in his arms. "Do you usually fall this much?"

I blushed. "Kind of..."

He chuckled and steadied me, but didn't let go of my hand, which fit perfectly in his. "I'm Brendon."

"I'm Y/N."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful person."

I blushed again. "Thanks, but I'm not beautiful."

"That's not true."

"It most certainly is–"


"I beg to differ."

"Well, too bad."


"Shhh," he said, putting his finger to my lips. I went cross-eyed, causing him to chuckle. "So, since you were heading towards the exit, I assume you were going to leave. Where were you off to?"

"I was headed to Costco. My friend Chelsea is sick and needs me to pick some stuff up for her."

"Well then, let's go!"

A Series Of Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now