New Year's Eve/Happy New Years

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😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: Y/N

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: Y/N Y/N Y/N

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!


😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: I'm outsiiiiideeeee

Me: Already?! You're not supposed to be here for another twenty øne minutes!!!

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: I know, but I was bored and lonely

Me: So why didn't you go jack off in the meantime or something?

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: Fuck you😂

Me: You wish you could

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: :P ANYWAYYYYYYY

Me: Anyway what?

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: I'm parked out front when you're ready

Me: Well be patient, k?

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: No

Me: You defiant little shit😂

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: You bet💩🤗

Me: Now hush and let me put on my makeup

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: No

Me: Yes

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: No

Me: yES

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: nO


😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: NO NO NO NO NO NO


😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: I WIN!!!🎉🎉🎉

Me: I'm still gonna kick your ass

😂😜🎉Breadbin🎉😜😂: You can try

Me: Smh

     I grabbed my duffel bag, slung my earbuds around my neck, slipped my phone in my pocket, and headed out the goddamn door (A/N: There, Bren. Someone finally shut the goddamn door. Happy?)

     Brendon was leaning against the passanger door scrollin' through his phone. His face broke into an adorable grin when he noticed me. "Y/N!" He opened his arms, inviting me for a hug, which I gladly accepted.

     "Took you long enough to get out here," Brendon mumbled, ruffling my hair.

"Shut up, Urie, and let's get goin'."

🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻At The Store🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

"ID please," the cashier asked.

Brendon pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket, putting a finger to his lips, and placed it in the cashier's outstretched hand. "There you go."

Without so much as a blink, she slipped it into her pocket, then printed our reciept and handed it to Brendon as I placed the last of our bagged goods in our shopping cart.

"Have a good night and Happy New Year!" she said cheerily, waving at us as we left the store. We wished her a Happy New Year as well.

Brendon tossed the reciept the moment we passed a trash can. "Can't let our parents find out what we bought, now can we?" He gave me a cheeky grin.

A Series Of Brendon Urie ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang