My Former Babysitter (Part 1)

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Brendon Urie. That was his name. He was 16 when I was 12 and he was my babysitter. He'd watch over me when my parents went out of town, or when one of my parents was at work and the other was out. I had no older siblings, nor older relatives that lived nearby that could babysit me, which is my parents had hired Brendon. They trusted him because he was the son of one of their very close couple friends.

At first I hated him. I gave him a difficult time because he wasn't my mother or father, and I was pissed off by the fact that he seemed to feel entitled to telling me what to do. Eventually, I did grow to like him. Despite my bratty behaviour, he was fairly patient with me. He put up with my childishness (for the money, of course) suprisingly well. I stopped being a brat once I realised he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

       Once he finished high school though and I was old enough to not need a babysitter, he stopped babysitting me. He took off with his band Panic! At The Disco to tour. The group of emo talented sparkly weed smoking beer drinking bisexuals were an immediate success and grew immensely popular with every passing day. I, on the other hand, considering I was younger than Brendon, was still required by law to participate in the long haul that is my nearly failing educational career (aka school).

     Although Brendon was occupied with his endless success as a musician, he still found time to come visit my family and I a few times during the year. He would stay in the guest room overnight for a few consecutive nights and then head back to wherever he needed to be. He'd spend part of the visit with my parents and I, then he and I would spend the rest of it doing whatever activities we could think of. I always had a good time with him.

    The reason I bring all this up is because Brendon shot me a text letting me know he'd be dropping by next week. My parents and I got the house cleaned up real nice, as they always had an affinity for impressing house guests with their cleanliness and hosting skills. They're pretty odd like that.

     A week had passed and it was the day Brendon would appeear at my door step. My parents, after they got home from work, wanted to go out for dinner with Brendon and I tonight, so I decided to dress nice now so I wouldn't have to dress up later. I was tucking my black dress shirt into ripped black skinny jeans when I heard the doorbell ring. Since I was preoccupied with dressing myself, my mother answered the door.

     Excited chatter and laughter echoed up through the halls of my home as she warmly invited Brendon in. As I applied my eyeliner, I pondered a question that'd contiuously nagged me since his last visit 5 months ago: did Brendon have feelings for me?

      He was always humorous, charming, chivalrous, polite, sweet towards me, as he was with anyone he cared for, but his attitude had slightly shifted last visit. I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination or true, but he'd been more flirtacious with me. We would have cute little moments worthy of rom-coms. I would get slightly flustered, my heart rate speeding up, my hands growing clammy. He would say something more-than-friendly and then chuckle softly and look down shyly for a moment before continuing our conversation or whatever activity we were doing.

    For example, we were dining at a fancy restaurant the last night of his week-long visit. We were eating our desert on the restaurant balcony, conversing softly between bites of strawberry cheesecake. He told me there were crumbs on my lips and I lazily attmepted to swipe them away with my napkin. He laughed at my "efforts" before leaning over and gently brushing the crumbs away with his thumb.

     Brendon had then stared into not only my eyes, but my soul with his gorgeous eyes and grazed the skin of my face with the back of his hand , whcih caused my breath to catch, and whispered to me "You know, I've always thought you were beautiful, but right now as you smile brightly in the silvery moonlight, it's crossed my mind that look incredibly stunning."

A Series Of Brendon Urie ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora