Chapter 34

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Alec escorts me to my room after our conversation on the roof, both of us dreary with fatigue, yet at the same time wide awake from each other's presence. I have no idea what time it is when I get back, but the moon has been up for several hours already. Only Alec's proximity keeps me alert, but when he tells me goodnight and leaves to go to his own room, leaving me wishing he had allowed himself to kiss me again, I wish to follow him. Instead, I remember what I was told about the dangers of being unfaithful to a royal and slip silently into my room. The heavy wooden door slides shut behind me with a satisfying click.

Before I strip myself of my uncomfortable attire and crawl into bed, I observe my reflection in the mirror once more. I touch my fingers to my cheek and my lips, watching as my skin colors when I think of Alec's kisses. What little makeup that had been applied earlier to my lips has faded considerably, most of it probably smudged onto Alec's mouth.

Someone wise would probably call me foolish in this moment. In fact, I can hear my grandfather now: "You're only going to wind up with a broken heart!" he would exclaim, followed by a hoarse cough. "You can't be with him. He is betrothed to a princess!"

At that, I lower my hands from my face and fold them loosely in front of me. A smile plays on my lips. Well, grandfather, it's as Alec said. In this moment, I am happy. I won't let what the future holds ruin this moment.


My time at the castle rushes by with no care to my feelings of impending doom over the grand party that is to be thrown for my birthday on the very last day of winter. I tried in vain to persuade the king that I needed no extravagant party, but he could not be swayed. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I simply didn't want one. He was so excited.

Either Mariena, Drina, or Estelle were the one who informed the king of my upcoming birthday. I've been unable to talk to them privately amidst the constant parties and feasts and social gatherings, but I'm sure that I will discover who the traitor is eventually.

As for Alec, I've been unable to speak with him as well in the three days following our passionate encounter. I've seen him about, walking through the corridors with this noble or that one, and at small dinner parties. The most we do is exchange quick, blushing glances accompanied by timid smiles. I'd like to be able to kiss him, but I know that might never again be possible. For now, I must ensure that no one notices our exchanges so that he doesn't end up with the same sentence as the late Queen Riley. I suppose that puts a quick end to our secret meetings, but I will bear it with a smile. I refuse to allow our circumstances to make me regret what has happened between us.


"Today's your day!" Drina tells me for at least the seventeenth time this morning. As she pulls a comb through my hair, the other two girls flit about the room with their arms full of what I'll be wearing to my party: a necklace beaded with small, shiny pearls along with a matching bracelet and a royal blue dress with gold lining. Silver thread is stitched up the middle, creating an even tighter corset than the last dress. Wonderful.

"I think that it is more the King's day than anyone's," I say while examining the material of the dress. Silk, of course. "He seems to enjoy extravagant things."

"Oh, he absolutely does," Estelle agrees. She and Mariena are now stripping me of a lovely cotton nightgown that I'd grown very attached to during my stay. "Extravagance is how he shows his gratitude."

"I think a hug and a 'thank you' would suffice," I grumble as I'm forced into the dress. It fits well over my head and my arms as it shares the style of a low-cut front and open sleeves that drop to the floor that the previous dress had as well, but the similarities stop there. The dress becomes snagged just above my stomach but under my breasts, which turn out to be a bit too small for it. Its makers must have expected me to be a bit bustier. I roll my eyes as the girls struggle to pull the impossibly tight piece of fabric over me. "This is ridiculous! Who makes dresses this small for grown women? This wouldn't fit a nine-year-old!"

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