The Coronation

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

"Anna!" I heard Susan call, and I sighed. "Are you ready?!"
"Yeah!" I called back, and walked out of the chambers that I was getting ready in. Outside, I saw Aslan with my siblings, all waiting for me with their backs facing me.
"Finally!" Edmund exclaimed, and I laughed when they all turned around to look at me. "What took..." He trailed off as their eyes fell on me.
"What?" I asked nervously, and they all snapped out of their shock.
"You look so beautiful!" Lucy exclaimed, running over to me and hugging me around the waist. I chuckled and hugged her back.
"You look absolutely adorable." I said with a smile, looking at her. She really did look adorable with her short hair that has been curled, pale blue satin dress, and a red cloak. Once Lucy let go of me, Susan walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged back. "You look beautiful, Su. This dress is absolutely gorgeous!" I exclaimed after we pulled away. her dress was indeed beautiful. It was silver with thin gold designs and golden buttons that traveled down her chest. The sleeves were a beautiful sea color, and her cloak was a dark green color. Susan smiled at me, and then my eyes fell on our brothers, who both looked very handsome. I smiled at them and they both smiled back, whilst Peter walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back just as tight. Once we pulled away, Edmund and I hugged whilst Peter hugged Susan and Lucy.
After we finished hugging, Aslan told us to line up on either sides of him. On his right side was Peter, Susan, and then Lucy. On his left side I was first, and then Edmund. Once we were in our positions, we walked out into the Great Hall. Some of the centaurs blew the horns as we walked down the path that they have created with their swords from both sides. They were holding their swords out so that they would create a long archway, and once we stepped close enough, they would pull the swords back so that they would be in vertical positions. Once we reached the stairs, we stopped and Aslan waited patiently as the five of us stared at our thrones with big smiles on our faces. But also with pride in our eyes. We have gone a long way, but it was worth it. We then walked up the stairs and towards our thrones. They were in the same order as we were lined up. That means that Edmund's was to the furthest left, then mine, then Peter's was right in the middle, then Susan's, and Lucy's was to the furthest right. Once we reached our thrones, we stopped in front of them and turned around to face the crowd. Aslan also turned around to face them.
"To the Glistening Easter Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant." Aslan spoke, causing all of us to look at Lucy, whose face lit up in a smile. I could tell that she was very surprised with the title she was given, but was very happy with it. Our eyes then turned to the front, where Mr. and Mrs. Beaver walked towards us, holding dark green pillows with our crowns on it. Behind them Mr. Tumnus followed, this time wearing a green scarf instead of a red one. The Beavers stood to our left, and Mr. Tumnus walked over to them, grabbing a silver crown from the pillow Mrs. Beaver was holding, and then walking over to Lucy. She curtsied to him, and he gently placed the crown on her head. Lucy then looked up at him and rose from her curtsy, smiling. He smiled back and bowed his head slightly, walking over to Mr. Beaver, and grabbing a silver crown from the pillow he was holding. "To the Great Western Wood, I give you King Edmund, the Just." We all looked at Edmund, who knelt down on one knee. Mr. Tumnus then walked over to him and placed the crown on his head. Edmund then stood up and looked over at me with a huge smile, making me smile back. Mr. Tumnus then walked over to Mrs. Beaver, and grabbed a golden crown from the pillow. "And to the Radiant Southern Sun, I give you Queen Susan, the Gentle." I smiled but my brows furrowed in confusion, as did everyone else's, whilst Susan curtsied to Mr. Tumnus as he placed the crown on her head. Shouldn't I have been crowned before Susan? She is the older one. Mr. Tumnus then walked over to Mrs. Beaver once again, grabbing the last crown off the pillow. "To the Stunning Meadows of Narnia, I give you High Queen Annabelle, the Majestic." My eyes widened slightly but a smile broke out on my face nonetheless, as Mr. Tumnus walked over to me. I curtsied to him, and he placed the beautiful crown on my head gently. I rose from my curtsy and smiled at my dear friend and he smiled at me proudly as he bowed to me. He then walked over to Mr. Beaver, grabbing the last, golden crown from the pillow, and walking over to Peter, who knelt down on one knee. "And to the Clear Northern Sky, I give you High King Peter, the Magnificent." Aslan announced, and I smiled at my older brother as he rose to his feet proudly.
The five of us then took a step or two backwards and sat on our thrones, which were unexpectedly comfortable, even though they were made out of marble. But then again, each of them also had a soft pillow, so that we would sit on the pillows instead of the marble. Aslan then turned around to face us, and looked at us in pride.
"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen." He spoke, making us smile. "May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from heavens." He smiled at us and then turned around to face the crowd once again. Then, they all started to cry out together.
"Long live King Peter!"
"Long live King Edmund!"
"Long live Queen Annabelle!"
"Long live Queen Susan!"
"Long live Queen Lucy!"
My siblings and I shared a smile as they all started to cheer and clap, and turned to look at the people of Narnia. Our people.

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