Going Back

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*Annabelle's P.O.V.*

    I laughed along with Susan as we twirled around the Grand Hall to the music played by many Narnians.
"This is so much fun!" Susan exclaimed over the music, and I nodded happily, still dancing.
"I know!" We kept dancing for a moment longer, but stopped once we saw Edmund and Peter standing off to the side, talking and laughing. We shared a glance, and then grinned, jogging over to them. "Come on, boys!" I called, grabbing Peter's hand, whilst Susan grabbed Edmund's. They tried to protest, but we just waved them off and pulled them in the middle of all the other Narnians dancing. Eventually they just gave up and started dancing along, laughing and smiling. Lucy quickly ran over to us, and started dancing with us. I smiled at the sight of my family having fun, and walked away for a second to get something to drink.
"Are you enjoying yourself, Dear One?" I jumped slightly and turned around, looking at Aslan.
"Yes. Very much." I smiled, and we both looked over at my siblings as we heard a squeal. I laughed as I saw Edmund picking up Lucy, spinning her around, whilst Peter did the same to Susan. Aslan and I both watched them with happy smiles, and then I turned to him. "Why did I become the High Queen" I asked, confused. "Shouldn't it be Susan? She is the older one"
"No. The place is yours. For reasons that you will soon discover." He said gently, and I nodded, accepting this as the only answer I was going to get.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" I asked sadly.
"Yes." He nodded, but I could see a glint of sadness in his eyes. "I believe that Narnia is in good hands, therefor there is no need for me to stay much longer." He replied, and I nodded sadly. I then wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, nuzzling my face into his mane.
"Will I ever see you again?" I asked after pulling away.
"Of course you will, My Dear." He replied gently, and I smiled, wrapping my arms around him once more. After we pulled away he gave me a small smile, and then walked out of the Hall, and out of Narnia. I didn't even notice I had tears in my eyes until I heard a voice behind me.
"Don't cry." It was Mr. Tumnus. I smiled sadly and turned around to look at him. "He'll be back." He assured, putting his arm around me.
"I know." I replied. "But that doesn't stop me from being a little sad. " He smiled and tightened his arm around my shoulders, before taking out something from underneath his scarf.
"Here." He said, offering me a handkerchief. A handkerchief with my initials. "You need it more than I do." He said with a smile, making me laugh a little, before wiping the tears from under my eyes with the handkerchief.

*15 years later, Third Person's P.O.V.*

    The five Kings and Queens ruled over Narnia fairly, and the land prospered underneath their rule. Their time of reign has come to be known as the Golden Age. They have changed much in those years. Lucy's, Susan's, and Annabelle's hair have grown longer,a s did Edmund's and Peter's. Peter even grew a beard. The three girls were very beautiful, and the two boys were very handsome. Every Narnian had the utmost respect for them, but especially for High Queen Annabelle. Her powers have grown, and her locket glowed when she turned 18 years old. She has come to be known as the most powerful sorceress to ever live. She helped her people as much as she could, and the sun would rise over the land along with her smile and laugh. Her bond with the other Kings and Queens has grown much stronger as well. She and High King Peter led many successful battles together, and spent much time together because of their duties as the High King and High Queen. She and Queen Susan have grown closer than ever before, going to the market together and decorating the Grand Hall for balls with the help of some other Narnians. King Edmund loved her more and more with every day, being able to speak his mind around her. She never judged him for doing anything. Quite the opposite. She would always find a way to help him out. They had a very close brother-sister bond, that would most probably never be broken. And even after doing all of this, she still had time to help those in need after battles along with Queen Lucy.
    Even though she was often very busy, not having much time for herself, she would always find time to enjoy herself. She had many duties, being the High Queen, and when those ended, she would practice her magic. But, she would always find at least one day in a week to spend with her siblings, and have fun. Today, was one of those days. A year after the Archenland Conflict, (during which Queen Susan, King Edmund, and High Queen Annabelle have traveled to Tashbaan, where High Queen Annabelle was courted by Prince Rabadash. He, like most men, was enchanted with her beauty, and decided to have her as his wife. The High Queen however, rejected him, and the three monarchs escaped from Calormen during the night in fear that Annabelle will be forced to wed him) the Pevensies were told about the White Stag by Mr. Tumnus.  The mystical deer was told to grant any wish to the person who caught it. So, now the five Kings and Queens chased after him. They all had smiles plastered on their faces, and enjoyed riding through the colorful forest. High King Peter was in the lead, followed by King Edmund, High Queen Annabelle, Queen Susan, and Queen Lucy.
"Su!!" High Queen Annabelle called, and pointed to the path next to them, before racing down it, getting in front of King Edmund quickly. Queen Susan quickly followed, as did Queen Lucy, and the three girls laughed as they beat King Edmund. He however, soon stopped and looked down at his horse, Phillip, in concern, wondering why he slowed down.
    The four others continued racing, until Annabelle's voice cut in.
"Where's Edmund?!" She  called, and the four stopped, looking around for their brother. Annabelle and Susan shared a look, and sighed, before turning their horses around and going back. Peter and Lucy looked at each other, and then followed their sisters.
"Come on, Ed!" Annabelle urged, sprinting into the clearing where her younger brother stopped, with Susan close behind.
"I'm just catching my breath." Edmund replied, making Susan sigh.
"Well that's all we'll catch at this rate." Annabelle teased, making Edmund roll his eyes and Susan giggle quietly.
"What did he say again, girls?" Lucy asked, sprinting into the clearing on her horse, with Peter following.
"'You girls wait at the castle'..." Susan mimicked, and then looked at Annabelle, who smirked.
"'I'll catch the Stag myself.'" She finished, and the three of them laughed, whilst Edmund gave them a look. Even Peter had a good chuckle, before stopping once he lied his eyes on something. Edmund's quickly followed.
"What is that?" He asked no one in particular, dismounting his horse. Susan quickly followed, but Lucy and Annabelle stayed on their horses, their eyes glued to the lantern in the middle of the forest. The boys noticed that, and Peter walked up to Annabelle, whilst Edmund walked up to Lucy. They both then stretched out their arms, and the girls snapped out of their daze, putting their arms on the boys' shoulders. The Kings then gently grabbed the girls' waists, and helped them down, before walking over to stand by Susan, and looking up at the lantern. Many green vines made their way up the lantern, covering almost all of it with greenery. There was still a fire inside of it. Each and every one of the five was sure they have seen this before, but they couldn't remember where. "It seems familiar." Peter remarked, still staring at the lantern.
"I saw this before." Susan said quietly, and Lucy nodded.
"Maybe in a dream." She said, but Annabelle looked down for a second as realization hit her from every side of her body.
"I know." She breathed out, and then ran off to the left, wanting to see if she was right. Lucy suddenly realized the same thing, and ran after her sister.
"Annabelle!" Peter called, looking at her weirdly. Susan just sighed quietly and ran after her sisters. The boys shared a look, before running after the Queens. "Wait!"
"Come on!" Annabelle called, grabbing Edmund's hand, whilst Lucy grabbed Peter, pulling them behind. They made their way through many branches, being careful not to get their clothes stuck on anything.
"These aren't branches." Peter said, pushing some fur coats out of his face.
"Their coats." Susan remarked quietly, looking very confused.
"Ow! You're on my toe!" Edmund hissed, which started everyone off. Somehow Peter got in the front, then Lucy, then Edmund, then Susan, and Annabelle ended up in the very end of the group. They kept pushing through the fur coats, not noticing their voices changing and the grass turning into wooden floor. After a minute of constantly pushing and yelping, pushed onto a wall, which turned out to be doors. It opened under the force, sending him flying onto a wooden floor hard. Lucy and Edmund also fell hard, and Susan and Annabelle fell onto their knees painfully. They all groaned in a little pain, before looking around in bewilderment. They weren't in Narnia anymore. They were now on the floor in the Spare Room in Professor Kirke's house. The doors they fell through were the doors of the wardrobe. Susan and Annabelle looked at each other with wide eyes.  Annabelle looked at her hair, and noticed that it was back the way it was 15 years before. Peter sat up, and looked around, not believing his eyes. Suddenly the door opened, and they all looked up sharply as Professor Kirke walked into the room. He looked at them, surprised to see them here.
"Ah. You're here." He remarked, and then looked at the wardrobe before looking back at the five siblings, his eyes sparkling a little. "What were you doing in the wardrobe?" He asked with a little smile, causing Peter and Annabelle to look at each other with small smiles.
"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, Sir." Peter said with a small smile, looking up at the Professor. The older raised his eyebrows, and threw something at Annabelle. She caught it in her hand with ease, after being involved in so many battles, and her eyes widened. It was the cricket ball that Edmund hit with the bat through the window 15 years ago, or maybe only 5 minutes ago. She stared at the ball for a second, and then looked up at the Professor with a smile, making him smirk.
"Try me."

*Late at Night, Annabelle's P.O.V.*

    My eyes opened as I heard someone opening the door to my room. My instincts went on high alarm immediately, but relaxed once I saw my younger sister in the doorway.
"Lucy, what are you doing?" I asked gently, and she walked up to me.
"I checked if I could go back to Narnia." She said sadly, and I smiled gently.
"It wasn't there, was it?" I asked, and she shook her head sadly. "Come here." I said, and moved aside so that she could crawl into my bed. Once she made herself comfortable, I pulled the quilt over her, and put my arms around her.
"Do you think we'll ever go back? I asked the Professor and he said we most likely will."
"I'm sure we'll go back." I assured. "Narnia will need us soon."

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