How Could You?!

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*Annabelle's P.O.V*

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked around. I realized that I'm still in Mr. Tumnus's house, along with Lucy who was standing next to the chair I was sitting in and shaking me. I looked around, and noticed that we are in complete darkness. All the candles were blown out, as well as the fire. I looked at the chair that Mr. Tumnus was sitting on, and realized that he was gone. I then looked at Lucy.
"Oh, we have to go." I whispered, and she nodded, grabbing my hand. We were about to head off, when we heard a broken voice from over the staircase.
"I'm afraid it's too late now." I looked over to the place where I heard the voice, and saw Mr. Tumnus sitting there, holding onto the railing, I squinted my eyes to get a better look of him, and saw his eyes glistening with tears. "Oh Anna, Lucy, I'm a bad faun." He whimpered. I could barely see my hand in front of my face, since it was too dark. I looked around, and my eyes fell on the candles.
"Accen." I whispered lowly so that Lucy wouldn't hear, and all the candles in the house lit up. I looked back at Mr. Tumnus, but saw Lucy staring at me with an open mouth and wide eyes out of the corner of my eye. Oh no. I think she heard me. She was taring at me for couple more seconds, and then faced Mr. Tumnus.
"Oh no." She said softly, letting go of my hand and walking over to him. "You're the nicest faun I know." She said nicely, and I couldn't help but smile at her kindness. I slowly made my way over to them.
"It's really unfortunate that you have bumped into me in particular." Mr. Tumnus said quietly, with tears flowing down his cheeks. I quickly reached the pocket of my shirt on my heart, and took out a handkerchief with my initials on it. I leaned down and handed it to Mr. Tumnus with a small smile. He grabbed it from my grasp and started wiping his eyes.
"And have you really done something that bad?" I asked in a light tone, not believing it for a second. He is way too nice and kind to harm anyone. Although I remembered that there was something off about him earlier.
"You see, Anna." He started, still wiping his eyes." It's not something that I have done..." I saw Lucy glance at me, and I grabbed her hand to ensure her that everything is going to be fine. "But it's something I'm doing." I looked at him.
"What are you doing?" I asked slowly, wrapping my other arm around Lucy protectively.
"I'm kidnapping you." He whispered. Lucy gasped, whilst I stared at him in shock.
"What?" I breathed out, barely above whisper. I felt Lucy's grasp on my hand get tighter.
"For the White Witch. It's because of her we have a never-ending winter. It was her demand. If anyone ever finds a human child in the forest, they h-h-have to give it over to her immediately." He whimpered.
"But... We're friends." Lucy said with a small smile. Mr. Tumnus just kept crying though. She looked up at me in fear, but I just stared at Mr. Tumnus.
"How could you?" I growled. He looked up at me, and I felt my eyes flash gold in anger. I heard Lucy gasp, but I kept my eyes on Mr. Tumnus. Suddenly there was a crash behind us, and I whipped around. I heard Lucy gasp again, and I didn't blame her. All the pots, logs for the fire, and even chairs and the rest of the furniture were floating in the air, and swirling around like a tornado. The wind was blowing in my face, making my hair fly around in a complete mess and whip in my face. The dishes were hitting the walls, and falling on the floor with a crash. I turned around to look at Mr. Tumnus, and then at Lucy. They were both looking at all of this with wide eyes. I looked back at the 'tornado', and tried to calm myself down. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. The wind was so loud, I couldn't make out anything from what Lucy was shouting. I then felt my eyes flash gold underneath my eyelids. "Prohibere!" I shouted, opening my eyes. Suddenly the tornado stopped, and everything froze in midair. "Retro in loco." I said calmly, and everything went back into its place. Every broken dish, frame, or sculpture glued itself in one piece, and went back into its place as well. I then took one more deep breath, and slowly turned around to face my little sister and the faun I thought was my friend. I looked down for a moment, panting from the use of magic, and then looked back up at Mr. Tumnus. He looked at me, and then at Lucy with a new determination in his eyes. He quickly put on his scarf and ran out the door. I grabbed Lucy's hand, and we both followed him outside. He stopped for a second, and then reached out for my hand. I looked at his hand hesitantly, but I saw something in his eyes that made me trust him. I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me into a run, with Lucy clinging onto my hand tightly.
"Hurry!" He hissed, trying to be as quiet as possible. "She probably already knows that you're here. The forest is full of her spies." He explained, pulling me further into the forest. I felt Lucy's grasp on my hand get tighter, and I glanced back at her and gave her a small comforting smile. She returned it with a small, weak one. We quickly slid down the hill, and kept on running. "Even some of the trees are on her side." I saw Lucy look up at the trees in fear. We finally reached the lantern that was in front of the wardrobe. "Will you find your way back from here?" He asked us, and I looked back at Lucy, and then back at him.
"I think so." I replied.
"Alright." He said, looking around.
"Will you be alright?" I asked, and he gave a weak laugh before crying again. He quickly wiped his eyes with my handkerchief. "Hey, it's alright." I cooed. I realized that he is a real friend. The same one I knew a year ago.
"Forgive me." He whispered, and I looked at him with a small smile. "I'm so sorry."
"It's alright." I whispered.
"Here." He whispered, putting the handkerchief in my hand. I looked at it, and then took his hand and closed it around it, giving it back to him.
"Keep it." I said with a small smile. "You need it more than I do."
"I don't care what happens. I'm just glad to have seen you again Anna, and I'm glad to have met your lovely sister." I smiled at him. "You two have made me feel warmer than I felt for the past hundred years." Lucy walked closer to him, and grabbed his other hand in her small one. "Go." He said, tapping Lucy's nose lightly. "Get out of here." I looked at him one more time, before grabbing Lucy's hand again and running back towards the wardrobe.

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