This is Getting Really Hard

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*Third Person's P.O.V.*

Lucy fell out of the wardrobe, and quickly got up from the floor, not waiting for her older sister, and ran out of the spare room. She didn't even realize that her oldest brother, Peter, was still counting. Annabelle fell out of the wardrobe right after Lucy ran out of the room. She looked around, and realized that Lucy already left. She knew that this was going to be a problem, since she knew her younger sister very well. She knew Lucy was going to tell the others about Narnia, and this most probably would have ended badly. She froze once she heard Lucy calling out.
"It's alright! We're back! We're alright!" Annabelle quickly got up and ran out of the spare room as fast as she could. She ran down the hall way and saw her two younger siblings.
"Shut up! He's coming!" Edmund sneered at Lucy. Lucy looked really confused, and Annabelle quickly ran up to her. She was going to tell her not to say anything about Narnia, but didn't have a chance, as Peter was already walking in.
"Do I really have to explain the rules of this games to you three?" He asked.
"You're not wondering where we were?" Lucy asked confused.
"Oh yes, of course we were." Edmund said, sarcastically. "He was even looking for you!" Right after he finished that sentence, Susan ran into the hallway.
"Does that mean I win?" She asked, and Peter turned around to face her.
"I don't think Lucy and Anna want to play anymore." Lucy looked at the three of them confused.
"We've been gone for hours..." She trailed off confused. The three of her four sibling looked at her as if she grew a second head, whilst Annabelle was hopelessly trying to make sure Lucy didn't say anything else. It didn't work out very well though. Lucy told everyone to follow her and led them to the spare room where the wardrobe with the magical world inside it was. Whilst they were walking there, she summarized what happened to her and Annabelle in Narnia. Annabelle just kept quiet, knowing that if they won't be able to go into Narnia, there was going to be a problem, and a lot of shouting and crying. Once they got into the spare room, Lucy told her other three siblings to look into the wardrobe and find out for themselves. The three looked at each other, and the boys shrugged whilst Susan sighed, and started checking the wardrobe for this magical land Lucy was talking about. Susan went inside, and knocked on the back of the wardrobe. Edmund went to the back, and stood in between the wardrobe and the wall, and started knocking on the wood as well. Peter was just standing there, waiting for them to finish, whilst Annabelle was standing in the corner of the room, holding the bridge of her nose. She knew, she just knew this was going to end badly. Susan sighed and stepped out of the wardrobe. Edmund also came back to stand next to Peter. Peter looked at him expectantly, and he shook his head, letting him know that there was no magical world inside.
"Lucy, there's only wood here in the back of the wardrobe." Susan informed, and Annabelle sighed in the corner. She knew this was the wind before the storm.
"Why don't we just continue playing hide-and-seek. 'Cause you know, we don't believe in stuff like this anymore." Peter said, and started walking back towards the door with Susan and Edmund following behind.
"But I'm not lying!!!" Lucy yelled, and the three of them turned around and faced her. Susan's expression was cold, Edmund's expression clearly said that he thought Lucy was nuts, whilst Peter's expression was concerned and worried.
"That's enough Lucy." Susan said coldly.
"I didn't imagine Narnia!" Lucy yelled, getting upset.
"I-I believe you." Edmund suddenly said, and they all looked at him confused. Even Annabelle looked up, and stared at him in confusion. He has never been nice to Lucy. Why was he suddenly taking her side now?
"You do?" Both Annabelle and Lucy asked. Lucy asked this question hopefully, but Annabelle asked it in disbelief. Edmund smirked.
"Oh no." Annabelle whispered. She knew that smirk. Edmund was only going to make things worse.
"Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you I found 150 elves in the drawer?" Edmund asked sarcastically. That was it for Peter.
"Oh great, you're doing it again!" He exclaimed, making Edmund look at his older brother. "You like teasing her, don't you?!"
"I was just joking." Edmund said quietly, and Peter sighed.
"Why can't you just grow up?" He asked no one in particular. That was it for Edmund. He glared at Peter.
"Shut up! Who do you think you are?! Dad?!" He yelled, getting into Peter's face, and stormed out of the room, past Susan. Susan sighed and looked at Peter.
"My congratulations, you know. " She said sarcastically, and ran out after Edmund. Peter sighed and looked back at Lucy.
"But... We really went there." She said quietly, making her oldest brother sigh.
"Susan's right." He said in a quiet, almost tired voice. "That's enough." He then walked out of the room.
Lucy stared at the door that her siblings ran out through in sadness. Why didn't they believe her? She then heard a sigh from the corner of the room. She looked over there and saw her older sister sister standing there, holding the bridge of her nose and looking down. She slowly walked over to her an shyly grabbed her hand.

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