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*Third Person's P.O.V.*

    Lucy kept tossing on the sofa she was supposed to sleep on, unable to fall asleep. Susan had trouble falling asleep as well, the image of her younger sister's eyes in her head. Why was she scared, and why was she sad? Those were the questions that kept going through her mind. Lucy noticed Aslan's sad expression, and was wondering what could have caused it. The two sisters suddenly heard something in their tent. It was Annabelle. She got out of her bed, trying no to make a sound, but still gracefully. Susan and Lucy quickly closed their eyes and pretended to be asleep, but peeked from under their eyelashes. Their sister quickly put on her cloak, and then quickly and quietly left their tent. Lucy and Susan then opened their eyes, and sat up, looking at each other questioningly. Where was their sister going? They were also about to get up, but stopped once they saw their sister's shadow outside the tent. Another shadow walked up to her. A shadow of a lion. Aslan.
"Are you ready, dear one?" They heard Aslan's soft, and yet sad voice ask.
"Yes." Annabelle replied with more strength and confidence than she felt. Aslan nodded, and started walking, but Annabelle stopped him. "Aslan?"
"Yes, my child?"
"Before we go... Can I ask you something?" She asked with a small uncertainty, and the Great Lion nodded.
"Of course."
"Why am I like this?" She asked quietly. "I mean, I know why. The genes. The blood filled with magic that is in my veins because of my mother, but there must be another reason.My magic was always different than my mother's. Why?" She asked, desperately wanting to hear the answer. She has waited for 14 years. It was time for her to find out the truth.
"I cannot tell you everything, dear one. You will find it out on your own one day. But what I can tell you is that your powers are destined for something great. Just like you. You are destined for something great, and you will find out what soon enough." He explained calmly, and she nodded, accepting that this was the only answer she was going to receive. "Come." Aslan spoke. "It is time."
    Susan and Lucy have been listening to the conversation, and looked at each other, confused. Time for what? They shared a look, and then quickly and quietly got out of their beds. Lucy grabbed her dagger and healing cordial, and put them around her waist, whilst Susan put on her cloak. They both then put on their shoes, and Susan attached her horn by her waist and grabbed her quiver of arrows and bow, whilst Lucy put on her cloak. They then shared a quick glance, and walked out of their tent, seeing the two figures disappearing into the woods.  They then quietly jogged after them, and hid behind the trees. Susan quickly slung the quiver over her shoulder, and peeked out from behind a tree.
    Annabelle and Aslan stopped in their tracks once they heard two pair of feet running behind them.
"Why are you following us?" Aslan asked in a gentle tone, and the two sisters shared a glance before walking out from behind the trees.
"We couldn't sleep." Lucy explained, walking up to her older sister and the Lion.
"Can we... Can we come with you?" Susan asked carefully, making Aslan and Annabelle turn around to look at them. Annabelle shared a glance with Aslan, and then smiled at her sisters softly.
"Of course." She said, and her sisters immediately ran up to her, hugging her tightly. They didn't know why. They just knew they needed to do that. Bu Annabelle knew why. And she hugged them back tightly. Once they parted, Susan grabbed Annabelle's hand, standing by her side. Lucy did the same from the other side, and put her other hand in Aslan's soft mane.
    They have walked for a couple of minutes, and then Aslan stopped, as did Annabelle. She released the grip on her sisters, and turned to face them.
"It's time." She said softly with a sad smile.
"Stay here. From here Annabelle and I must go alone." Aslan said, and Lucy and Susan looked at them confused.
"But why-?"
"Trust us. For this must be done." Aslan interrupted Susan. "Thank you Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell." He said sadly, and walked away. Annabelle looked at them one more time, with tears in her eyes, and then followed the Great Lion. Susan and Lucy however, exchanged looks, and quickly ran to hide behind some of the bushes, being able to see everything. Their eyes widened as they saw their sister and Aslan make their way towards the White Witch and hundreds of her followers.

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