Pain of Loss

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*Susan's P.O.V.*

    We waited for a few moments until the White Witch and her followers were gone, still crying but trying not to make a sound. Lucy had her arms wrapped around my neck tightly, and my arms were wrapped around her comfortingly. When we were sure that they were all gone, we stepped out from our hiding place and walked up the stairs to the podium where the Stone Table was. Lucy then ran up the steps of the Stone Table and sat down next to Annabelle's body, looking down at our beautiful sister. If it wasn't for all the blood pouring out of her heart, she could have been misinterpreted for sleeping, not dead. Her skin was still beautifully pale, like the light of the moon. Her hair still had the shine to it, and her lips were still crimson red. More tears trailed down my cheeks as all the memories I had with her flew through my mind. I looked up once I heard Lucy fumbling with something and saw her trying to open her healing cordial. I sniffed a little and sent her a small, sad smile.
"It's too late." My voice broke a little as my youngest, now younger sister looked at me. "She's gone. They're both gone." I sniffed a little and walked to the other side of the Stone Table, walking up the steps and settling down on the other side of my sister's body. Lucy moved a little so that she would be in between Annabelle's and Aslan's bodies. "I'm sure that they knew what they were doing." I said, trying to comfort Lucy as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. She then looked down at Annabelle's body once again and stroked her hair gently, crying quietly. She laid down her head on hers, and started crying more. I just couldn't take it anymore. I started crying heavily and laid down my head on Annabelle's chest, praying to hear a heartbeat. But there was none. One of my arms was wrapped around Lucy, and we both cried because of the loss of our sister. I suddenly heard a ripping sound, like ripping of a material. We both pulled away from Annabelle's body and looked down t where the sound was coming from. My eyes widened when I saw many mice on top of Annabelle's and Aslan's bodies. "Get away. Get away from them!" I moved my hands, trying to get them off of Annabelle's and Aslan's bodies, but still trying not to touch them. I was terrified of mice. That was one of the many traits Annabelle and I shared. We were both deadly terrified of mice and rats. I'm sure that if this was any other situation I would have ran a mile away, but this was my sister, lying dead next to me. There was no way in hell I was going to leave her.
"Wait." Lucy's quiet voice broke me from my thoughts. "Look." I looked down at the mice, and saw them biting through the ropes that bound our sister and the Lion. Once those ropes were off, Lucy slid off the ropes that were used as s muzzle for Aslan, whilst I untied and threw aside the gag that was on Annabelle's mouth. I stroked her cheek gently, and Lucy stroked Aslan's face.
"We should go back." I said, my voice breaking slightly.
"Let's stay with them." Lucy begged in a broken voice, and I sighed sadly.
"We have to let them know." I reasoned. "There's no time." Lucy looked down, and then both of our gazes fell on the trees in the woods.
"The trees."

*10 minutes later, Aslan's Camp, Third Person's P.O.V.*

    Peter walked out of Aslan's tent, and looked at his younger brother and the general of the Great Lion's army. Whilst he checked Aslan's tent, Edmund checked their sisters' tent.
"She's telling the truth." Peter said, referring to the dryad that visited his and Edmund's tent 5 minutes earlier. "He's gone." He said, putting his hands down on the table in front of him.
"So is Annabelle." Edmund said, and a tear slid down his cheek. Peter looked at his brother, and sighed, letting a tear fall down his face as well. Annabelle was gone. They didn't want to believe it, but it was true. Edmund took a shaky breath, trying to control himself, and lowered himself down onto the ground, trying not to sob. Peter looked at him, and then walked over to him, kneeling down next to Edmund and putting his arms around his brother. They both tried to control themselves as tears fell down their cheeks like waterfalls. Even Oreius watched them with sadness and sympathy.
    Annabelle has always been there for them. She would always comfort Peter when he was too worried that he couldn't take care of their siblings. She was the only one who got on with Edmund until now. For 12 years she was the only one who understood him and didn't judge him for his actions. She didn't even blame or hate him after he betrayed them for the White Witch, even though she had every right to. She only blamed herself, never him. They loved her more than anyone, she was the best sister anyone could ask for, and now she was gone. Dead.
    After a few minutes of cradling each other, the two brothers got up, wiped their cheeks, and tried to compose themselves.
"If they are both gone, then you will have to lead us." Edmund said, his voice breaking only a little bit. Peter looked at him for a second, and then looked down at the map on the table once again, not being able to believe it all. He couldn't lead an entire army! he just couldn't! He couldn't even protect his own sister, how was he supposed to protect thousands of Narnians? Edmund saw the uncertainty in his older brother's eyes, and sighed. "Listen. The soldiers need a leader. They are waiting for your orders."
"I can't do this." Peter protested, looking at him.
"Aslan believed you could." Edmund said, and took a breath. "As do I." Peter looked up upon hearing these words, and looked at his younger brother in disbelief. He thought Edmund hated him, which was probably true until couple of days before, and now he was the one who was comforting him and letting him know that his brother believes in him. "Annabelle did as well. Do it for her." Edmund's voice broke a little, and Peter's eyes glistened slightly. Edmund was right. Annabelle would have wanted him to do it. She was very keen on staying and helping these people, and now that she couldn't, they had to. He looked at his younger brother and sent him a small smile, which he returned.
"The Witch's army is close. What are your orders?" Oreius asked gently, still being able to see how the loss of their sister has taken a toll on the two brothers. Peter looked up at him for a second, before looking down at the map before him. He had a plan, and he prayed it was the right one.

*2 hours later, Stone Table*

    Susan's eyes opened to the sound of the birds chirping in the distance, and she realized that she and Lucy have fallen asleep while crying over Annabelle's body. She looked around, noticing that it was already day, and looked down at Lucy who has just woken up as well. The two looked at each other, both with red and puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Lucy looked down at their sister's and Aslan's bodies sadly, and Susan followed her gaze, willing herself not to cry.
"We have to go." The older girl said, and jumped off the Stone Table, before walking over to stand next to where Lucy was still sitting.
"I'm cold." She said quietly, and Susan held out her hand for her to take. Lucy took it and walked down the steps of the Stone Table. Susan wrapped her arms around the younger girl for a second, before letting one of her arms drop to her side, leaving the other one around Lucy's shoulders. They walked towards the staircase of the podium, but Lucy stopped and turned around to look at the Great Lion's and the Destined Beauty's bodies. Susan followed her gaze and then quickly turned back around, not wanting the image of it to stay in her head. But it was too late for that. It was already branded in her mind. They then both started walking down the steps of the podium. Suddenly, the wind blew a little harder then usual, and the ground shook violently not a second after, causing the girls to fall down on the steps. There was also a huge noise in the background, as if a catapult hit a stone wall. Susan looked around, trying to understand what just happened, whilst Lucy looked back at the Stone Table, and her eyes widened. "Look!" She exclaimed, causing Susan to turn around. Her eyes widened at the sight as well. They both got up and walked back up the stairs, looking at the Stone Table in shock. It was now broken in half, and the bodies that were on it were gone. Not even the blood remained. "Where's Aslan? And Annabelle?" She asked, and Susan shook her head slightly.
"What have they done to them?" she asked, suspecting some of the White Witch's creatures to be behind this. The two girls looked up once the light of radiant sun illuminated through the place. They heard soft movement in between the two stone walls directly behind the Stone Table on top of another stone staircase, and looked at it curiously. Their eyes widened once more and Lucy gasped as two figures made their way to stand in the middle of the archway, looking as majestic as ever in the light of the beautiful sun. The Great Lion and the Destined Beauty.

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