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*Third Person's P.O.V.*

    Aslan and Annabelle walked up the stone stairs, with the horrible creatures of the White Witch on both sides of it. Most of them held up flaming torches, and were cackling loudly. The ones that were the closest to the Lion and the Destined Beauty growled and hissed at them, but the two ignored them and walked to the top of the staircase where the White Witch waited for them with their heads held high. Lucy and Susan stayed hidden in the shadows behind some of the bushes on the outside of the woods, and the younger girl looked at the older one for a second with a quiet gasp, before looking back to the scene ahead of her. A harpy suddenly jumped in front of Annabelle and Aslan and started hissing at them daringly. But it was a very cowardly creature as well. One look from Aslan caused it to shrink back and fall on its back, before quickly scrambling up and flying away. Jadis then walked up and stood on top of the Stone Table, holding a stone knife in her hands.
"There they are." She spoke calmly, but you could hear the sound of triumph in her voice. "The Great Lion and the Destined Beauty." She said tauntingly, causing an uproar of laughter to erupt from the crowd. Aslan and Annabelle looked at her with their heads held high and defiance in their eyes. If they were to go down, they were going to go down in a noble way. The general of the White Witch's army, Otmin, walked up to the two and poked Aslan in the side with his sword, but instantly backed up once the Lion growled at him in warning. The minotaur looked back at the Witch, and she jerked her head sharply, causing him to turn back around and hit Aslan in the side, causing him to fall over on the stone floor hardly. Lucy gasped, and Annabelle closed her eyes and jumped slightly, but remained where she was. The Witch then looked at two cyclops and jerked her head towards the girl, making them nod and walk up to Annabelle. They were about to grab her, but she turned towards them sharply and her eyes flashed gold dangerously. The two creatures looked at each other uncertainly, and then at Jadis. Their eyes clearly said that they don't want to be the ones to hold down the powerful sorceress. She was full of magic and they were afraid of her. The White Witch however, jerked her head towards the girl once more with a dangerous glint in her eyes, telling them that they will be killed if they don't obey the orders. They looked at one another again, and then quickly grabbed Annabelle by her arms roughly, and pulled her back from Aslan, giving the other creatures space to circle around him. This time Susan was the one to gasp, and look at the scene that displayed in front of her in disbelief. What was going on? Why were Aslan and Annabelle both letting the White Witch's creatures do this to them?
    The White Witch's dwarf, Ginarrbrik, walked up to Aslan and looked down at him.
"Do you want some milk, Kitty?" He taunted, making Annabelle grit her teeth.
"Why are they letting them?" Lucy asked Susan in disbelief and worry, but Susan only looked back to the scene in front of them, not being able to answer her youngest sister's question.
"Bind them!" Jadis ordered, causing many creatures to walk up to Aslan and bind his paws with rope tightly, not caring if it hurt him. In fact, they were hoping they had. They also put rope around his jaw, so that he was unable to roar or bite. Whilst everyone was around Aslan, Ginarrbrik walked up behind Annabelle, whose arms were held behind her tightly by the two cyclops, and tied the rope tightly around her wrists. She gasped quietly in pain, as the rope cut through her skin. Ginarrbrik then bent down and tied another piece of rope tightly around her ankles, almost making her loose her balance. Otmin then came up to her and stared her down. Annabelle however, stared back at him with confidence and no fear. He then shoved a piece of material into her mouth, and put another piece of rope on it, tying it around her head, gagging her to make sure that she won't chant any spells. "Stop!!" The White Witch yelled, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. "Let him first be shaved." She ordered, causing another roar of laughter to ring around. Ginarrbrik then walked up to Aslan happily with a knife in his hands and started cutting Aslan's mane, not caring if he cut the Great Lion's skin in the process. He held up the first piece of fur in his hand, laughing giddily as he did so and threw it in the air. Other creatures came closer and also started cutting of Aslan's mane, making Annabelle close her eyes, not wanting to see that.
    Susan looked at Lucy in worry, but the younger girl could only stare at the scene before her with wide eyes.
"Bring them to me." Jadis ordered, and the creatures started pulling the ropes that bound Aslan, dragging him up the steps to the Stone Table. The cyclops that held Annabelle also started pulling her up the steps, but since her feet were tied together tightly, they dragged her up, and then shoved her roughly down on the Stone Table, next to Aslan. The creatures all cheered and laughed, but the Witch help up her hand, cutting them off. There was silence for a couple of seconds, and then the creatures that held the torches started pounding the sticks against the ground, forming a rhythm. Seconds later all the creatures started roaring, howling, and cheering. Those that had hands also started clapping. The White Witch, however, knelt down beside Aslan and Annabelle, and stroked the Destined Beauty's face, making Aslan growl lowly. "You know Aslan... Annabelle..." She trailed off quietly, and then continued with a triumphant but small smirk. "I have to say I am a little disappointed in the two of you... Did you two honestly think that I will let you save that traitor? You have given up your lives, and you will save no one." At this she let a small triumphant laugh escape her lips, before taking on another cold expression. "So much for love, my dear girl." She then stood up, "Tonight!!... The Deep Magic!!... Will be appeased!!... And tomorrow!!!... We will rule over Narnia!!... FOREVER!!" She called out to her followers, and then looked down at Aslan. "In this knowledge... And despair..." She said, and then raised her hand with the knife in it high up above her head. "DIE!!!" She screamed, and lowered herself down along with the knife, plunging it in Alan's heart. Annabelle let a tear escape her eye as she watched that, and Lucy gasped from behind the bushes. Aslan released his last breath, and then closed his eyes. Dead. Lucy then started crying, whilst Susan, whose eyes were already full of tears, pulled her into a hug. " The Great Cat... Is dead!!!" Jadis yelled, making her followers cheer. The two sisters parted quickly, as they heard the White Witch's voice once again. "Now, Annabelle. You have seen Aslan die. Tell me, what does it feel like to see the last source of hope die before your own eyes?" She taunted their sister, and pulled out the knife from Aslan's body. The knife was dripping with crimson blood of the Great Lion. She then moved herself to kneel beside Annabelle. "What does it feel like to know that you will die, and that your siblings will as well soon enough? What does it feel like to give your life for your brother, and then die with the knowledge that he will be dead within a day?" Jadis continued taunting, as Annabelle closed her eyes tightly, letting another tear escape her eyes. "How does it feel to know that your greatest power is the one that will kill you?!" The White Witch hissed, before stabbing the Destined Beauty in the heart with the stone knife. Annabelle's eyes widened in pain, before closing completely. At seeing that, the two sisters hidden in the shadows gasped and Susan covered her mouth with her hands, before they both started bawling. Their sister, the one they were closest with, the one they could always depend on, the one they loved more than anyone... Was gone. Lucy quickly threw her arms around Susan's neck, seeking comfort. Her oldest, now older, sister hugged her back tightly. But Lucy realized that this hug wasn't as comforting as Annabelle's were. And Susan realized that the hug with Lucy wasn't as warm as the ones that Annabelle gave her. "The Destined Beauty!!... IS DEAD!!!!!" The White Witch screamed, raising her arms in triumph. As the creatures cheered loudly, she leaned back slightly and closed her eyes, giving a sigh of relief. Finally. The one person that could stop her was dead. She then looked at Otmin. "General. Gather out troops." She ordered, and he nodded. He then roared loudly, whilst she looked down at Annabelle's body. "We will slaughter them."

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