Suddenly Not Too Cool To Love - Michael Clifford Fanfiction

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"Michael! Come down here for a minute!" My dad called out from downstairs.

"Ok wait!" I shout over my loud blasting music.

I get up from my bed, turn off the stereo and run down the stairs to see my parents sitting at the dining table in their working clothes.

"Sup?" I plonk down on the chair across them and put my feet up on the table to have my mum shove it off the table, I chuckled. I loved pissing her off.

"What the hell happened to your hair Michael?" Mum gaped at me.

I smirked and shook my hair a bit with my hands, "I needed a change, you like it? Suits me right?"

My mum huffed and opened her lipstick covered lips to lecture me again but my dad talked over her to prevent anything happening. He knew lectures were pointless.

"So Michael, the principal called again; he kicked you out. You're moving." Dad said.

"What the fuck why?"

"Language, Michael! He said you skipped school for two months and only showed up once and that was to lunch." Mum said, she was so pissed.

I laughed and shrugged, "Soz not soz, so what school am I going to now?"

"Beverly State High." My dad answered.

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's where all those rich stuck up cunts go to with all those jocks and cheerleaders, oh my god I liked it better at the other shit school." I complained.

"Well it's not our fault you decided to skip school. What were you even doing?" Mum asked.

I laughed and winked, "You mean who was I even doing?"

My parents gasped and my dad cleared his throat and spoke, "Well you're transferring tomorrow, you can leave now, dinner will be ready soon k?"

I stood up, kissed my mother's cheek roughly then ran upstairs, "K, love you mum and dad!"

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