Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I've been thinking about asking Leah out. I don't know I feel like being nice. I'll try this dating thing. Thank god she's hot.

The bell rang and I walked with Ashton to our normal spot where we always hang out and I sat next to Leah.

"Guys, mind if I take Leah away for a minute?" I ask them while holding my hand out for Leah to accept.

"Go ahead." Maria says as she's cuddled up to her boyfriend.

Me and Leah walk side by side around the school grounds and I take a deep breath while putting my arm around her shoulders. Her reaction was good. Her eyes were wide open and facing the ground, I smirked. She likes it.

"So um Leah, wanna go on a date with me?" I ask with complete confidence.

"Yeah sure!" She said excitedly.

I walk us back to our group and everyone's eyes were wide open when they saw me and her while hearing me say, "Great I'll pick you up at 6 on my motorcycle on Saturday."

"Great!" She blushed.

We both sat back down and I saw Luke's smirk. Calum whispered to me, "Good job." I laughed softly and nodded.



My date with Michael is today and he told me to dress casual coz we were just gonna get pizza.

So I wore a baggy maroon tshirt and tucked it with a black skater skirt and some black chucks. My ash blonde hair was messy today. Just the way I liked it.

I got a text from Michael saying he was outside my house. I ran to go outside and once I saw him, I hugged him.

"Hey you look hot." He said.

"Thanks, you too." I replied, he smirked.

He had a Rolling Stones singlet on with dark blue jeans and black vans. He's so perfect.

"I thought you were taking the motorbike?" I asked as I saw a black Mustang.

"Na I was in the mood to take the car." He shrugged and let me in the car.

We drove to get pizza then he took me to some place which had a really nice view of the sky.

"So Leah, what do you think of our date so far?" He asked as I finished the last piece of pizza then put my head on his shoulder.

"It's perfect. Thanks." I smile at him.

He smiled then he leaned and finally kissed me. I've been waiting for this since the second I saw him.

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