Chapter 8

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Michael is so fucking annoying! He won't stop asking me out and he always tries to win my heart and impress me and does cute things for me. I still like him very much, I just don't want to be hurt by a guy again.

It's been weeks since our first tutor lesson and I'll admit, he is actually a really good teacher. I understand everything he teaches me and it's improving my grades and I'm also attending classes.

At the moment, Michael is helping me and Calum study, I'm so glad Calum joined us because if he didn't, Michael would be flirting non-stop.

Michael had just finished explaining a math equation and me and Calum puffed and lay down on my bed. How exhausting.

"Far Michael I never thought you were that smart to be honest." Calum said with a soft laugh.

"Well now you know, I'm smarter than both of you combined." Michael says with a cocky smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you going school tomorrow?"

"Nope I hate exams." Michael replied.

"Bad boy Michael Clifford strikes again." Calum says.



Nothing is fucking working with Leah, I've tried doing stupid romantic crap, I've tutored her for ages, my smartness is ruining my reputation. Argh. Being in love is my reputation. Leah's lucky she's worth it.

Staying home is so boring. Now I'd rather go to exams then watch reruns of stupid commercials.

I decided to go to the shopping mall and buy some things for Leah. Maybe this could work?

In one of dates we were sitting down on a table at a park and we were talking about anything and everything. She told me about the things she liked and I told her mine. We were talking about our favourite music, movies, people, we talked about our families and laughed at some of the memories our group had. I sound like a fucking girl. Oh well. I enjoyed that date the most.

I went into the music store and got some vinyl copies of our favourite bands, All Time Low and Blink 182. She's always wanted them. But her parents never gave her the money for it coz they thought it was pointless. I also got her a bouquet of white roses. They're as white as her hair. I got her favourite chocolate, Black Forest.

The other ideas were for later.

I checked the time and it was 20 minutes before the bell rings to signal that it's the end of school.

I quickly texted her saying "I'm picking you up after school."

She replied saying she was okay with it and I went to go get her some KFC coz anything chicken is her favourite food. Then drove my polished black Mustang to school to pick her up.

I walked out of my car and leaned my back on it with my arms crossed. The bell finally rung and I saw Leah looking down and walking to me.

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