Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Four weeks later


I love dating Michael. He's incredibly sweet and makes me happy.

I was on my way to his band practice because the fans asked for a small gig, they've been practicing heaps, they really didn't wanna disappoint the fans.

When I arrived at Calum's house and parked my car and proceeded to walk to the garage. I heard some talking going out and I decided to listen. I think they're talking about me since I heard my name.

"Michael it's been four weeks, you're still not interested?" Luke says.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but I still don't have feelings for her. She's an awesome girl, and she's hot. She can get another guy in no time." Michael replied.

"But Michael, she's like in love with you, are you just gonna break up with her or something?" Ashton says.

"Mayb-" I cut Michael off and stormed into the room.

"Are you fucking serious?" I shout,

All the boys looked at me with wide eyes then looked at Michael.

Michael sighed then walked up to me and held my hands while he said, "I'm sorry Leah, I just don't have feelings for you. I don't know. But I tried I swear. You're a great girl and beautiful but I just don't see you as a girlfriend."

I started tearing up, "Since you didn't like me much, did you cheat on me?"

He looked at me with so much pity, "No I would never do that even though I don't like you."

I cleared my throat and tears came down uncontrollably, "Um ok, we're over."

"I'm so sorry, we can still be good friends." He says.

I nodded then walked off to my car, and drove home, I just collapsed on my bed and cried. I fell in love with him and he was never interested.

-5 days later-


I hated seeing her cry, I know I never said I was interested but I do care for friends. When she called it a quits something in me felt like it had been shot by a bullet. I don't understand. I don't like her though? What the fuck is happening.

I decided to skip school today, and maybe for the whole week. I just felt like shit but I didn't exactly know why.

I decided to go visit by best girl friend, Maria. School had just finished so she probably isn't doing anything at the moment.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, Maria opened the door, gave me a deadly look then proceeded to close the door at my face.

Well of-course Leah told Maria. I walked to the back of Maria's house and went in by the back door which was unlocked. I sat down quietly on the couch and put my motorcycle helmet beside me.

I looked at Maria who was absentmindedly on her laptop across me, not noticed me at all until she huffed and muttered, "I feel like pizza."

"Want me to order you some?" I say.

She got a fright and put her laptop beside her, "What the fuck are you doing at my house Michael! I don't want to talk to you. You hurt my best friend."

"I know I did! I tried to like her, but I swear no feelings at all!"

"God Michael! Why did you go out with her then?" She shouted.

I looked down and said quietly, "I don't know.. I just wanted to be nice. I didn't cheat on her, and I made an effort to get to know her so that I could develop feelings but it just didn't work."

She sighed and sat back down across me, "Then why did you come to see me?"

"I need you to help me figure out something."

"Tell me more."

"I know I say I don't like her but when she broke up with me, I felt like a bullet went through me, and it sorta hurt. And I really felt bad for her when I saw her cry. I can't stop thinking about her at the moment. That's why I've been skipping school."

"She's been skipping school as well. She's depressed."

"Aw god dammit." I pulled my hair in frustration.

"Tell me what you like about her."

I brightened up a little bit, "She's really hot, and easy going. She's really kind. Um, we have the same taste in like everything, I taught her how to ride a motorcycle and she picked it up in no time. She makes an effort to make us both equally happy and if I'm not having fun she'll suggest to do something I would like. She doesn't care if our dates is just watching tv and eating pizza. She's interested in what I say. We're basically the same person and I like it."

"Michael, you're smiling really brightly and you listed A LOT of good things about her. I think you actually have developed feelings, but you just didn't notice it." She smirks.

I looked at her with wide eyes, holy shit I like Leah.

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