Chapter 10

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I rode my motorcycle to Leah's house with a box of those things I got the other day at the mall, a fresh bouquet of white roses, All Time Low and Blink 182 vinyl copies and her favourite chocolate. Since I forgot all about them the other day when I was supposed to give it.

Today I was gonna try ask her out again. I knocked her door and put the ribboned box behind me, a few seconds later Leah opened the door and a grinned appeared on her face.

I went in her house and sat beside her and cleared my throat nervously, "So um I got you something."

"Really? What is it?" She asked excitedly.

I gave her the box and she opened it for a while and I looked at her face to see her reaction, she seemed like she loved it.

"Oh my god! Are you serious? Oh my god thank you so much. You didn't have to do this!" She looked at the roses with so much happiness.

"Na it's okay... Hey are you free on Saturday night?"

"Are you asking me out again?" She asked awkwardly.

"Yup." I mumbled.

"I'll think about it." She said.

That meant no. She would always say that and we have not had a date once. Argh god dammit. Why won't she take me back?

Awkward silence filled the room, she suddenly walked off then after a minute she came back to the lounge with a vinyl player. She grinned and played one of the vinyls.

"Need anymore tutoring?" I ask.

"Um I guess you could help me figure out this thing for English." She grabs her English book and shows me the task.


I sighed as Michael drove back home, he never stopped asking me out and I'm scared that when I finally say yes it will be too late. He would've given up and move on. I don't know why I always say no, I'm still in love with him and everything he does for me is so sweet. I just probably don't want to experience heartbreak. It's life. And I'm scared to face this. Michael had proven to me that he is committed to having me back as his girlfriend but I am still not ready. When I rejected him, I didn't want him to leave, I was thinking of something to say but then Michael beat me to it when he asked me if I needed help with any of my subjects. I already knew what I had to do for English but I just asked Michael to help me with it since I didn't want anymore awkward silences and I didn't want him to leave just yet.


Leah texted me saying she wasn't coming to school today because she was tired. I thought today was perfect to ask the band and Maria for ideas on how to get Leah back. Because obviously my stupid ideas did not work. I sat in the middle of Luke and Calum and everyone was talking about something that happened in their exam. I think it was funny because they began laughing after.

"Hey guys can you help me with something?" I nervously asked.

"Yeah what is it?" Calum asked. All of them looking dead serious.

"I need ideas on a way to get Leah back. I'm out."

"Buy her a dress and give her a note telling her meet you at a certain place at a certain time and have dinner there." Luke suggested.

"Hey that's a good one I might actually do that." Ashton murmured to himself which made everyone looked at Ashton and laughed at him while Maria blushed.

I agreed, "Yeah that is a good idea, Maria you're meeting me after school to find a nice dress for her. Sorry Ashton."

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