Oh no

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I had some idea what she wanted to say and it already seemed a disaster.
-Mum I don't think this conversation is needed.
-Sweetheart. You don't even know what I want to say-She smiled.-So you probably know that my little daughter grew up and she'll finish high school next year. And I think you know that she can sing pretty well. But. She still needs some practice because her dream university asks for professional singers.

Oh God. She will ask someone to teach me. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

-Mummy I think this conversation is over...Over.
-Let me finish it darling. We have the whole summer and she can be much better I know that. So...
-Mum no please.
-So is there any possibility that one of you would teach her while you are home?
-Fuck-I said under my breath.
-Honey don't swear. It is not right for a woman. So that was my question-She finished.
There was silence for a minute. I felt so awkward I can't even tell you.
-Well I can teach her but I'm better at musical instruments. But if it's really needed of course I would do it!-Ashton smiled.
-The same as him-Calum said.
We didn't even look at Luke. I would rather die than sing with him.
-Uhm if it's okay I can teach you. I know a little more about singing than the guys. So if you choose me I would be your teacher!-Michael said with a huge smile on his face.
-Really?-I and mum asked.
-Yeah, I know a place where we can practise!
-Oh my God Michael you little angel!-Shouted mum.
-My boy-Said his mother.

...Hels is typing.
That is. So. AWESOME!! Girl you work with a rockstar!!! 😍😍😭
I know!!! But mum.. ughh the situation was really embarrassing 🙄
...I can imagine, but hey think about that it was worth it! 😁
Yeah but idk this whole thing is really weird I mean I feel something won't be alright And I feel that it's just a idk problem for him Another thing that he doesn't need
...Don't be that negative, you are not a problem. And. What would be not alright? You meet every morning and sing a few hours. Nothing can go bad, believe me! The only thing could happen is that you fall in love! Like in movies!
...Oh my! I ship you! 🙈
Shut up! I like him but not THAT way You are ridiculous!😂 and this is real life
...We will see! 😌😏😎
Idiot 😹❤️

-Uhm hi Michael! I'm Alice.
-Hello Al! How are you?
-Pretty good thanks. What about you?
-Looking forward for the lessons!-He laughed.
-Yeah me too! That's why I called you! You said you know a place, and what time would be okay.
-Yes I know a awesome place where we can practise. It's near to the Hemmings house, next to a library which is...
-Oh I know what library you are talking about! I'm working there!
-Really? Cool! So next to it there's a little cafeteria you probably know which one.
-I think I know. With the brown and white striped walls?
-Bingo! You have to walk to the cafeteria's direction. If you turn right at the first corner you will find some offices. And one of them is my mum's friend's office. And it is always empty. It is really good to practice. You like it?
-Absolutely! It seems quite so it is perfect!
-And the timing is...well. We probably stay for 2-3 weeks. And maybe 3 times a week? From 8 am to 6 pm? It is okay? Or you need more time?
-No no no no no it is perfect! I'm already really thankful so what is okay for you is okay for me!
-Don't be thankful! I'm helping because I know how much important it is to get the opportunity that can bring you closer to your dream! Just think about how the band reached our goal. And if my teaching is that opportunity than I'm happy that I can help you!
-Ah I have the best teacher!-I laughed.-Can we start tomorrow or it is too early? Because I understand if you don't have time! You just came back from tour you have plenty of things to do!
-Aliiiice! Stop! Of course tomorrow is absolutely okay! But I have to ask you one thing.
-Please choose a few songs you really like.
-Oh not a problem.

But actually. It was a problem. I had so many songs. I loved most of the songs I listened to.
After 2(!) hours I managed to choose 4 songs. Colors from Halsey, This is gospel from Panic at the Disco, Sober from Selena Gomez and Into you from Ariana Grande. Ariana was a surprising choice for me because I didn't like her. She seemed a bit selfish and childish to me but I have to say she is really talented and Into you sounded amazing. Even Selena wasn't the type of music I'd been listening to she reminded of my childhood and I really liked her new album.

I woke up at 6 am and I couldn't get back to sleep. I was too excited. And to be honest. I was extremely nervous. We were friends but he was still a worldwide known musician.

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