Okay, got it

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-Okay, okay, I got it. No more Luke.
-Thanks Mikey. I think it's time to go back to work-I smiled at him.

I was singing and practicing the song's first verse for a while when suddenly he started coughing. Really badly.
-What? Did I do something wrong? Oh Michael I'm trying! But...
-Layla! Calm down man! I was just coughing. You did everything well. My throat is a bit shitty. That's all. Continue-He responded.
I did what he said but after 10 or 15 minutes he started coughing again. It seemed worse.
-Do you want to finish? We can go home. Have some rest-I offered.
-No, it's okay. I think I just need to drink. Maybe I'll go to the grocery store. Do you want anything?
-Nothing thanks. But are you sure that is just because of you're thirsty?
-Absolutely. Or the weather. My head hurts a bit too. So it could be the weather.

I was afraid it was not the weather.

When we finished for that day I could see symptoms of sickness on him. But he denied everything. When I asked him if he's okay he always responded with yes.

The next day I woke up for my run and saw his name on my phone's screen. 'Missed call from Michael'.
I felt something was wrong.
-Hi Mikey. I saw your call, I was sleeping- I laughed.-What's up?
-So krhm I am really krhm sorry but it is not the krhm weather.
-You are sick. Your voice is terrible.
-Yes I am and krhm it is. I have high fever and krhm terrible headache. I can't...
-Make it today-I finished his sentence.-I understand. The classes are not important. The most important thing is to get better. If I can help you with anything just call or text me.
-Aw you're cute but nothing is krhm needed. And our classes won't be deleted. Krhm. I'm gonna ask my friend. He's good he can help. The only problem is that I don't know krhm if he can make it today or tomorrow krhm.
-Doesn't matter. It's already awesome if he's okay with this.
-Good. I'm going to talk with him and  text krhm you.
He hang up before I could say goodbye.

When I got back from the run it was lunchtime and he texted as he promised.
'After begging him (a lot) he agreed. He will wait for you at around half past 6. Of course today. So pm. 😜 M.'
Cool I thought. I've got a teacher. But! I don't know him and I'm still not good. Oh hello nervousness!

At 5 I was already there but I wasn't brave enough to enter the house. So I walked around it and practiced the 1st verse.
After 10 minutes I was bored, grabbed my keys and entered the house.
For my surprise it was opened, I didn't needed the keys. Well whoever he is, he's good at timing.
-Hi, I'm Layla! Thanks for...NO FUCKING WAY!-The teacher was. Luke.
-I am just as happy to meet you as you-He smiled.
-What is this? What the actual hell is going on? Is that a game? How to drive me crazy?
-Calm the fuck down. Man what's wrong with you? I came here because Michael asked me.
-And you said yes happily right? You didn't said yes because you knew that it going to drive mad. No, no! You agreed because of pure joy of helping, aren't you?
-You know what? I'm agreed because my fucking sick best friend literally begged me. Because I am the lead singer and he thought I know how these singing thing work. And he was right, I know. So I agreed because of him. I didn't give a single fuck about you.
-How much do I have to pay you to leave? Or we can say that we had the lessons when actually we were just chilling at two different place.
-I promised him, idiot.
-Okay, that's all. I won't do this. You are a complete joke-I said and left the room.
-Well without help it will be impossible to go to a good uni. The chance was in front of you. You fucked up-He laughed after he closed the door and passed me on the street.
-I would rather be homeless than be with you-I said under my breath. He was far to hear it.

OKAY I GOT IT? MICHAEL WHAT?! Listen I am really grateful that you tried to help BUT LUKE? You didn't get it, did you? I. Don't. Want. Any. Connection. With. Him.
...Layla. He was the closest person. Who came to my mind.
...Calm the fuck down. Man. He called me. He told me about the show you made up when you saw him. And also the drama queen attitude. What did you think? He put away every negative feeling and tried to help, even he said he helped me, he also wanted to helped you, the same reasons as I told you.
Mikey. I appreciate your help. Don't think I don't. But I clearly said my opinion.
...Well I guess you just have to wait until the miracle when your mum finds the perfect teacher.
I didn't want to hurt you Michael!!!
...I'm not hurt, I'm okay, if I wasn't I would tell you!!😂 It's just not my thing anymore. Unfortunately it seems I have to stay in bed for days so I can't help you.

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