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We were eating our food in silence. We both were on the phone so we were 'busy'.
But I had enough.
-Are you not curious?-I asked.
-Obviously you are not going tell me.
-You didn't ask.
-I didn't have to. If I would ask it you'd be like 'why would I tell you?'

Well he was right.
I mean I'm not a person who likes talking about her feelings or what is going on inside her head.
And when we are talking about Luke everything is just no. Simply no.

-I'm finished. Can we continue?-He said while he put the paper box into the trash.
-Sure. Sure.

Unfortunately the song was too relatable so I couldn't sing anything.
I always cried.

-This is not work. I'm sorry I can't teach when you are in this mood. I think you should go home.
-But no I can work, just give me a tissue.
-You've been saying this since the first break down after lunch. It's been 2 hours. Go home. I understand.
After thinking a bit I nodded a yes.
-I'm taking you home don't worry.
-I wasn't worried.
-Maybe I was-He laughed.-Here's the key, get in the car, I'm going to the restroom. 3 minutes and I'll be there too.
-What a gentleman-I mumbled.

I went outside and the only problem was that I didn't know the car.
I looked at the key, saw the brand but there were 3 of them on that street.
So I just pushed the opening button and tried to hear an opening noise.
He was a clever guy. He parked right in front of the office.
I got in the car. Oh my God. The car smelled ridiculously good. That typical boy smell with some flowers.
I saw his jumper on the wheel (don't ask me why he put it there) and when I moved closer I could smell the same mixture.
I have to admit he wasn't that bad as a guy. But as a person...
Well I mean he was nice all day. But. Ah. Nevermind.

-Hey. Key please-He smiled.
I gave it to him but I didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything until I've felt that the car was moving.
Than I wanted to talk.
I don't know what I felt I just felt that I have talk to someone no matter who is that person. The pressure on me was too much.
And I also thought he might know what I feel and might can help because he travels a lot.
-Please don't take me home.
-What? Then where should I take you?
-I don't know. I just don't want to go home. I just want to talk to someone. Who maybe understands me.
-I don't know why but I feel this person is me. Am I right?
-Can be-I giggled.
-So what's up?
-My best friend is living her dream. She really wanted to go to Spain, it is her favourite place, she wanted to study there and finally she can go as an exchange student.
-Well that's great. The problem is you gonna miss her, isn't it?
-Exactly. I mean it's a mixed problem. When she told me I was really happy for her of course but than she told me that she didn't want to say goodbye. She said it would make the whole 'missing' situation worse if we say goodbye. It would mean that something is ending. But I think, as a best friend I deserve a goodbye. Or at least a fucking hug!
-Don't swear. But I see your point. You know-He parked the car.-When I travel and it's the time to hug everyone and say 'see you in two months!' I don't like saying goodbye. I know I'm gonna miss them and it's already a sad situation but saying goodbye is something that makes it more sad. You can't really describe it. You feel it that's all. And yes she should say goodbye anyways but maybe it's just something that is her weak part. I mean she goes away for a long time. Everything will go crazy around her. Maybe she just wants something to stay normal. And this something might be you and your friendship. And as you said if she says goodbye it would mean something's end. And she doesn't want it. You can't really imagine her situation so you have to be more understanding. Right now she is the important. Don't be selfish.
-But I can be, can't I? Just a tiny bit.
-You always can but I'm not sure that you should.

He was so right. His words just made up my mind. He said what I needed to hear.

-Am I terrible friend?
-No Layla, you just have to learn how to act in some situations.
-Can I have another question?
-You can always have.
-Where the hell are we?-I laughed.
-I don't know I was just driving and parked somewhere in the middle of nowhere!-He smiled.
-Okay I'll look it up. Wait....Good so now you have to go left!
-Not right! Left.
-I meant okay,good. Idiot!-He laughed loudly.

When he began we didn't talk again.
After a while I broke the silence.

-Thank you. I think I needed this.
-Anytime!-He winked.
-Would you mind if I call her? I feel I can't wait any longer.
-Sure, I'm invisible-He smiled.

-Hi Hels, Lay's here.
-I just want to say I admit my fault, I'm sorry, I was such an asshole, the only person who matters is you, we don't have to say goodbye, I'm happy if you are happy
*-Breath!!-Luke whispered.*
-Oh wow. Heh. I didn't expect that. You know. You never admit anything. What happened?-She laughed.-But ohm anyways. Thank you. I really appreciate that. You know you are my proof point. Even I was an asshole too I'm glad you decided this. Love you.
-Me too. Is it okay if we talk later? I'm in the car with Luke so..
-WHAT?-She screamed.-Absolutely okay. Later!
Than I hung up.
Luke looked at me with wide open eyes.
-She's just a big fan-I said to save that awkward situation.
-I see-He laughed.

I want to feel your love like the weather| L.H.Where stories live. Discover now