The Third Man (reposted)

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A/N: Hey Millers! Not much to say as I have to get to class in five minutes, but I thought I should get this uploaded now as I just finished editing. Please let me know what you thought of my portrayal of Soulless!Sam because it was tricky and I'm not sure if I got it right... thanks guys!

Who saw the Supernatural season finale last night? Wasn't it intense?!

Alright, enjoy!




Unfeeling, I scrolled through pages of obits, looking for a potential case Dean and I could work that would get us out of Sioux Falls. I didn't even feel a twinge of the usual sympathy as I read over tragic accidents. Oh well. It was good like this, not feeling anything. It was almost like I was soulless. But it'd made me become a better hunter, even without Dean and Mil to back me up. So I'd just gotten on with the job.

One of Bobby's many phones rang on the wall next to me as I conducted my research. Sighing, I got up to answer it.

"Hello, Bobby? It's Fahima," a girl's voice said on the line as soon as I picked up.

"No, it's Sam Winchester," I corrected. "Bobby's out." Bobby was actually working a case right now - he'd been gone about a week.

"Sam?" Fahima echoed. "Um..." she stammered and cleared her throat. Get on with it. It was clearly news on a case, which we needed. "I'm, uh, I'm a friend of your sister. She's here. Do you want to speak with her?" Mil? Somehow, I didn't even want to. I just wanted the case. "No," I said shortly. "It doesn't matter. You have a case for me?" When Fahima spoke, she sounded taken aback. I heard a humanoid squeak of what sounded like despair on the other line. Mil. I didn't care. She'd live without having boring chit-chat with me. I, apparently, had a case to work. "Yeah, uh, okay... We caught wind of a case, I was going to pass it on to Bobby to delegate."

"Dean and I can take it," I said immediately, pouncing at the chance. "Bobby'd probably pass it onto us anyhow. What is it?"

"Er... Easter, Pennsylvania, two cops found dead - one completely liquefied, the other - covered in boils from head to toe."

"Great," I said, probably sounding too keen though I didn't feel it. "Email me the details and we'll get onto it. Bye."

"Alright, thanks. I will. Bye, Sam."

I hung up.

My duffle was already packed. Even though we'd been here for almost two weeks now, I hadn't felt the need to unpack into the room I always used here - it took less than two minutes to get out the door, loading my bag into the trunk of my car. I didn't feel the need to wait for Dean, I'd call him from the road.

Turned out I needn't, as Dean was the one to call me when I was almost an hour down the road.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hey," Dean replied. "I'm just about to head on back to Bobby's. We need anything?"

He's on his way back from his night out now? Not that I cared.

"Uh, change of plans," I said. "I need you to meet me. I'm heading to PA. Town called Easter."

"Why are you going to Pennsylvania?" Dean demanded.

"Caught a case." I didn't bother mentioning that Mil had caught the case. Heck, I hadn't even bothered to tell Dean our sister was alive. Why should it even matter? It wasn't like Mil was making the effort to come find us. She could contact Dean of her own accord. I wasn't a damn scribe.

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