All Dogs Go to Heaven

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A/N: Hey Millers! Happy Supernatural day to you all, if it is still Supernatural day where y'all are! So in honour of our amazing show, I thought I'd post a few days early. Surprise! Also, happy birthday to my cousin, if you happen to be reading this. She introduced me to Supernatural, and helped me come up with this entire book, I owe it all to her. Love you cuz! Hope you enjoy, remember to keep voting so we can have a shot at the Wattys 2k16!!

And remember...


Always keep fighting. I love each and every one of you!


"So I reckon we'll leave Michigan tonight, hit PA by tomorrow?" I suggested, frowning at my brothers - that is, if all goes to plan. It was very typical of Dean to find something else to do in the state between jobs, only leaving when we had something else to go kill. This time, however, I was keen to head to Pennsylvania to see Fahima - it was only a few hours away.

"Sounds good," Fahima said excitedly on the other line. "Can't wait to see you again."

"Yeah, me either," I agreed, feeling a grin spread across my face. "I'll, uh, I'll text you when we get into town."

"See you tomorrow, Mil."

"Yeah, see ya." I was still smiling as I hung up the phone. I walked back to our table, sitting down opposite Sam and digging into the ribs I'd abandoned.

Dean was still engrossed in his phone call with Bobby, eating his ribs with messy fingers.

"I know, Bobby, but there's got to be another way. I don't know. Keep digging. I mean, if Crowley thinks we're just gonna -"

"Crowley thinks you're just gonna what, Dean?" Son of a bitch. My grin died. "Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me."

Dean's voice had reduced to a growl as he hung up on Bobby, stating: "I'll call you back."

"Good news, guys!" Crowley crowed, helping himself to a chair next to Sam. "I've got a job for you."

"I don't think you understand the definition of 'good news'," I muttered crossly. "And we're not taking your stupid job." I wanted to get to Pennsylvania to see my friend.

Dean took the seat next to me, leaning threateningly over the table towards the demon. "I'm going to say this once," he growled. "You can take your job and shove it up your ass."

"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" Crowley remonstrated.

"You're not my boss, dick-bag," Dean snapped.

"Dean, Dean. Been through this," the demon tutted. "Quit clutching your pearls. You've been working for me for some time now. Sam here, longer."

"We didn't know," Sam protested.

Crowley scoffed. "Please, like that makes a difference to you. You'd sell your brother and sister for a dollar each right now if you really needed a soda."

I grimaced at the reminder - my brother had no soul and literally couldn't care less about anything. He'd got Dean turned into a vampire, and almost had me killed just to catch a couple alphas.

"Look, I'm sending you -"

"No," I cut in. I didn't want to be involved in whatever Crowley was sending us to do.

"Beg pardon?"

"I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this," I snapped. "No." No more demons, no more alphas, no more commissions. I was done.

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now