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A/N: Hey Millers! Please remember to keep voting for us in wattys2k16! Nearing the end now! It would mean the world if we got even a mention!



"Do you like that, Mil? You like Hell? Well, that's where you're gonna go, if you don't give me Sam!"

I flinched, staring in venomous recognition. "I killed you! I watched you die! I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

I had to be. I remembered killing him, vividly.


I whirled around, gritting my teeth and thrusting the blade around and forwards. It sunk into Seraphiel's chest. The angel gasped, his long, snakelike face expanding even longer as his eyes and mouth fell open. The wound began to spark around the blade, and lights flared in his eyes as the guy died. Seraphiel fell at my feet, crumpled in an unnatural position.

"You're not laying one hand on my family," I spat as he died. And then I went for the blade, thrusting first deeper in, and then dragging it out. Seraphiel's singed wings tattooing the ground where the angel lay.


"No. I assure you, this is real. You're not dreaming." Seraphiel grinned almost triumphantly. "So, I took a leaf outta your friend Gabriel's book, swapped out my blade for a fake one. I know you, Mil, I knew you'd take it. I felt you swipe it from me the first time we met."

"You son of a bitch!" I was going to murder him.

But what of Sam? Seraphiel wanted him...

It was the angel's turn to glare. "I didn't bring you back from Hell just so you could sneer at me, Mil Winchester." He spat my name as if it were an insult. "I pulled you out, but I could drop you back in with the snap of my fingers. You're just a puppet dangling on my string."

"Well you might just have to try," I shot back. "Because I'm not letting you anywhere near my brother."

Seraphiel smirked. "Who says you have to?"

"I will kill you, you son of a bitch," I vowed, glaring daggers at the angel. "For real this time." This time, I wouldn't miss. And if I did, well I would sure as hell keep trying. And if it killed me in the process - so be it.

Seraphiel spread his arms in a 'come at me' stance, scoffing. "Oh please. I'd like to see you try. You don't even know where to find me."

"I will find you," I assured the angel icily. "And when I do, I will hunt you down. And this time, my brothers will stand with me. And we won't miss." I enunciated every word carefully, so there was no doubt in Seraphiel understanding the message. This time, we would kill Seraphiel dead, where he's supposed to be.

The angel scoffed again. "I'll be waiting, Mil Winchester. Come find me."

And he was gone.

Oh, the hunt was on.

But first, I had to save my brother.

As soon as I was up, seeing my brothers still asleep, though both starting to stir, I ducked into the bathroom before they could notice me. I flipped on the light and stared at myself in the mirror, breathing hard. What the hell had just happened? Seraphiel... I had to protect Sam. Logically, the best way for me to do that would be to leave, but I couldn't do that. Not now. I rubbed my hand over my face, wiping my watering eyes. I sighed, staring at my phone in my hand. Although it was still early morning, Bobby was quick to pick up.

"Hey, kid," he greeted me cheerfully. "What's up?"

I hesitated, deliberating whether or not to tell him the truth. Bobby could help me. "Nothing," I said finally.

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now