Bonus feature: The Ones Who Waited

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A/N: Hey guys, heres the first of two bonus features! This is Mil's POV of The Man Who Knew Too Much, which I wrote from Sam's POV. Enjoy! :D


The alley was deserted, unusually so. Confusion was quickly mounting into concern. We'd been supposed to meet Eleanor Visyak here, and yet she hadn't arrived. That, the supposedly urgent information, and the fact she was a hunted Purgatory monster didn't bode well for anybody. I couldn't think of a possible scenario where this ended well.

Dean scanned the area, expression uneasy. "Where is she?"

Bobby's responding shrug was nonchalant enough, but I could see the tension in the lines of his face. "She said to meet her here. I'll try her again."

A phone buzzed, playing a cheerful melody that echoed ominously through the alley. The phone was here... but where was Eleanor? Sam and I exchanged a tense glance.

We followed the sound behind a nearby dumpster, where Eleanor was slumped just out of sight. My breath hitched, seeing the blood soaking her clothes. Crap, crap, crap. Eleanor?

Bobby dropped to his knees with a tight murmur. "El?"

"Hey," Eleanor said, voice strangled. "I guess I could've used your help after all."

"Just be still," Bobby breathed, stroking the woman's matted hair.

I frowned at the blood. It didn't look good, and it looked like hers. My throat constricted.

"What happened?"

The trembling woman pulled open her coat; and I could now see the blood was definitely hers, seeping through from a stomach wound.

"They took me. I got away."

"Oh, Ellie. What have they done to you?" Worry cracked my godfather's voice. I placed a tentative hand on his shoulder.

Eleanor chuckled through dying breaths. "Everything. The demon I could've handled, but when the angel stepped in, I - I told him, Bobby." I could feel Dean's eyes on me and met his dark gaze. "They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open."

"Tell me," Bobby urged. I could see the nerves in his eyes, though it was carefully absent from his voice. "I need to know."

"They need virgin blood. That's a milk run for them," Eleanor replied weakly. I cringed. "And they need the blood of a Purgatory native, and well, they've got plenty of that now."

"Have they opened it yet?" Dean pressed, eyes blazing.

Eleanor shook her head. "Tomorrow. The moon - an eclipse. I'm sorry, Bobby."

Bobby's face melted as he stroked Eleanor's cheek. I'd never seen him show so much affection for anyone before - not even me, and it broke my heart. This woman was dying, and there was nothing we could do.

"No, it's okay. It's okay."

"I'm sorry, really sorr-" the apology broke off in a dying gurgle.

"Tell us where they are," Dean prompted.

But Eleanor had gone still, eyes staring emptily into space. She didn't move, didn't blink. The woman had died.

Bobby sounded fighting tears, and my heartstrings tugged for him. "El?" There was no response. Bobby sighed heavily, closing his friend's eyes with a gentle, quavering touch.

"I'm sorry this had to happen," came the gravelly voice of Castiel. I spun around to glare at him. Even Dean was shooting daggers. Bobby rose, expression fierce. "Crowley got carried away."

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now