A/N: The final frontier

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Well, Millers, this is it. The final frontier. Life and Lies is officially over and man what a journey it's been. Seeing it start - me at 14, this book a random idea between myself and my cousin, a second work behind Demons, Winchesters and Us saga, the readers compiling of mostly our immediate friend group and a few others. And then suddenly it's grown into so much more. It took on a life of its own and at times I struggled to comprehend. Gone are the days I'd dance around the room in happiness to just get a single vote because I thought it was the most alien thing in the world. If I did that now, well, I'd be constantly dancing hahaha.

I'd just like to thank you all, Millers. To Izzy, Wendy, Billie, Fahima, my other friends and family who've gone through this journey alongside me. And to all of you Millers who make up this family and encourage me daily. Who cried with me when it was sad, and laughed when it was happy. I still can't believe it, you all, the thousands of you who read and love it, and message me for the heck of it. I just... I'm awed. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart - those who were there from the start, those more recent fans, and to those in the future who will find this book and read it after I click that completed box. I love all of you equally, and I want to thank you immensely.

And this, well, the journey is done. I'd like to think Mil and Sam and Dean and Cass and Bobby and Baby of course are still out there on the road, still fighting the good fight even if I'm not actively telling their story. Because there's always a story to tell, no matter whether or not somebody bothers to write it down.

In less literal terms haha, I've got a bit of news in terms of writing and my plans from here:

First off, I'm not saying a permanent goodbye to the Winchesters. I will continue with one-shots, including two full-length ones to be released in the upcoming weeks.

And second, I'm starting work on a new book to be released sometime this year, and I hope some of you will be interested if you are keen to hear more from me. I will release more details later, but just a quick summary: it follows three ghost hunters in my home country of New Zealand, tackling haunted houses and other mysteries in a sorta Supernatural style. So if this sounds up your alley, keep an eye out for more information and the first chapter of Talking With The Dead - coming soon to a wattpad page near you ;) 

Well guys, that's it. Thanks for the journey and the memories, and as always...


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