Meet The New Boss

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I glanced at Dean, who was clutching the wrist he'd hurt when the Impala had flipped. Castiel was glaring fiercely, but I didn't allow myself to wither under it. Cas had betrayed us, and we were hurt, but I couldn't bring myself to bow down to him in respect. There was no respect, all that had fled when he'd stabbed us in the backsides. The silence was awkward, tension mounting. Next to me, Bobby knelt.

"Well, all right then," my godfather said through his teeth. "Is this good, or you want the whole 'forehead to the carpet' thing? Guys?"

I made a face, going to my knees. I guess we had no choice. Castiel was gonna smite us either way.

"Stop," Cas snapped, and I immediately froze half crouched. "What's the point if you don't mean it? You fear me. Not love, not respect, just fear."

"Cas..." Sam started.

Castiel turned his glare on my brother on the other side of the room. "Sam, you have nothing to say to me; you stabbed me in the back." I straightened defensively. Hark who's talking, you betrayed us first! "Get up." At the growl, Dean and Bobby rose on either side of me.

Dean's voice cracked audibly. "Cas, come on, this isn't you."

"The Castiel you knew is gone."

I didn't want to look at the expression on Dean's face. Cas was his saviour, the last one he turned to when Sam and I failed him. We'd all been betrayed by a friend, but Dean had been betrayed by a best friend.

"So what, then?" I asked quietly. "Kill us?"

Castiel smirked, and I was reminded painfully of Clarence. "What a brave little ant you are. You know you're powerless, you wouldn't dare move against me again. That would be pointless." Really Clarence. I looked away, digging my nails into my palms as the demon who'd tortured me in Hell branded himself in front of my eyes. Guess I could never overcome it. "So I have no need to kill you. Not now," Castiel continued, voice sickeningly sweet. "Besides... once you were my favourite pets, before you turned and bit me."

We bit you? Excuse me? I heard Sam scoff under his breath.

A muscle was jumping in Dean's jaw. "Who are you?"

"I'm God," the former angel replied easily. "And if you stay in your place, you may live in my kingdom. If you rise up, I will strike you down. Not doing so well, are you Sam?"

At that, my eyes went sharply to Sammy. He was wobbling, almost barely upright, eyes slightly unfocused.

"I'm fine..." Sam cleared his throat. "I'm... fine."

He clearly wasn't. "You said you would fix him - you promised!" I snapped. It didn't look like Cas would. Why did Sam have to suffer for us all?

"If you stood down, which you hardly did," Cas growled. "Be thankful for my mercy. I could have cast you back into the pit."

Who? All three of us? He wouldn't... Would he? My breath shook.

"Cas, come on, this is nuts!" Dean protested, desperation in his voice. "You can turn this around, please!"

"I hope for your sake this is the last you see me."

And Castiel had vanished. Dean looked down immediately. Bobby and I exchanged a glance, my eyes went to Dean, then to Sam. I noticed Sammy's nose begin to bleed.

"Sam, you okay?" I questioned.

And Sam collapsed, face screwed up in agony. His hand crunched into broken glass. I recognised that tortured look on his face. He was remembering Hell.

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now