Caged Heat

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A/N: Hey Millers! I'm on such a roll I've decided to try a weekly uploading schedule, for as long as I can manage it! I know I skipped the one with the faeries :( But I didn't want to taint the sacredness of the episode 'You're brother was abducted?' 'Yeah. It's okay, I've had time to adjust.' 'Did it happen when you were kids?' 'No, like half an hour ago.' I didn't want to ruin it with Mil - some of Robo-Sam's lines are amazing. Sorry :(

Anyway, remember to keep voting for Watty2k16!!

And remember:



"I hate this," I grumbled, glaring at the smoking chimneys we were driving towards.

"Yeah, we heard that the first thousand times, Mil," Dean shot back grumpily. I knew he was just as sour about the job as I was, but he didn't spend all night and day complaining about it. For the past month or so, we'd been entirely on 'fetch and deliver' duty for Crowley, delivering creatures as he begged. That was the extent of our hunting, and I hated it. There was no excitement, no search, no action, just: 'There's an X in this town and I need you to fetch it and deliver it to Y on this date'. We're not freaking pizza delivery services!

But as the boys kept saying, this would get Sam's soul back, and for that this was the price we had to pay.

Dean parked outside the fence at the plant, opposite a black SUV, where two demons waited impatiently for us.

"You're late," one of them snapped as we got out.

"Traffic was a bitch," Dean said flippantly.

I opened the other back door of the Impala, dragging the rugaru we'd captured two states over out.

"Time to go," I told it through my teeth, shoving the hooded figure by his bound hands towards the demons, who then dumped the monster in the back of the car.

"One rugaru," Sam announced.

"And it's no trouble at all," I added spitefully. "You're welcome." Maybe for once they could actually say a freaking thank you? Oh wait, they're demons. Thank you wasn't in their vocabulary.

"Where's Crowley?" Dean asked. We hadn't seen our 'boss' in a few weeks now.

"Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called None Of Your Business," the demon shot back, deadpan.

Dean snickered. "Oh, look at that, guys. Demon trying to be funny."

"Oh, is that what just happened?" Sam shot back with a smirk.

"Night, girls," the demon simpered, heading back to his car. I glared.

"Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up," Dean called him back crossly. "Are we ever gonna see Crowley again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?"

The angry demon's eyes flicked black. I stiffened, half going for a weapon. "I'm sorry. I know you're speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cause I don't speak Little Bitch."

The demons got into their car and drove off, leaving us standing in the dark, fuming. Sons of bitches. Remind me again why we had to do their dirty work?

"Remember when we used to gank demons?" Dean said with an exasperated sigh.

"My sentiments exactly, brother," I muttered. Massacring some demons sounded really tempting right now.

"Come on, let's just go," Sam sighed, shaking his head at us. Dean and I exchanged a look, before following.

We drove back to the house we called our current base - a run-down, abandoned settlement somewhere between this town and the next, literally in the middle of nowhere. The isolation worked in our favour though, having not been caught in the month we'd been here. It was a bit of a pain, not being able to use the lights for fear of being caught, but our eyes had quickly adjusted to the gloom. I couldn't help but be brought back to hunting when we were kids - when we'd spent, on dad's insistence, more time squatting than we had in motels.

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