Live Free or Twihard

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A/N: Hey Millers! Look at this, two uploads in two weeks! I was supposed to have this finished and uploaded last night, but I got a killer headache and went to bed :( All good now, so here it is! Enjoy! 

Ps - I have stupidly decided to put both this and Life and Lies into the Watty Awards, so please everybody vote. I don't think I can win, but we have so much Miller power can we all at least vote? Like, if everybody went and voted for every chapter, that would be amazing! I know we can do it, Millers!

Miller Power!


I sat alone on the hood of the Impala, just staring at the stars. Sam and Dean were asleep, or at least they had been when I'd come out here. I, however, couldn't sleep. It'd been alright, when running on the adrenaline of a hunt; but now between jobs I'd fallen flat. Hell was slipping through the cracks, especially after Christian Campbell, whom so much resembled Clarence it was scary - and I just couldn't deal anymore. Nighttime was the worst, when there was no distractions and no corner in which to hide. At least I could be out here, at home, on the hood of the Impala - our Impala, not Fahima's, a ringer. I wondered briefly if I should take baby for a drive, but I remembered what happened last time... involuntarily I twitched my fingers in the fresh cast. Then, I entertained the thought of giving Dean some sort of 'apology' gift; not that I could ever apologise for what I'd done to him, I'd spend eternity trying to find the right words - but maybe a pie could say some of them for me. Dean loved pie. Dean would kill me if he ever found out that I'd taken his car without permission, let alone driven it with one arm, but I had nothing better to do. And so, I crept as silently as possible back inside, snaking the keys from beneath Dean's pillow, freezing with held breath as Dean groaned and shifted in his sleep. I only dared to move again when the snores resumed. Tiptoeing silently back out of the darkened room, I took my time to make sure the door didn't make a sound as it shut - I was better at that than I should be. Unfortunately, I couldn't prevent the Impala from purring into life, so I held my breath, anticipating an angry Dean - he was as wild as a hungry Wendigo if anybody stole his baby, and I would not be spared the wrath. But I managed to get into town without detection, and at any rate I would be doing my brother a favour by getting pie. Maybe I could leave him his car with a full tank of gas, just to be even kinder.

I dawdled in the gas station, cutting the engine but not moving from my seat. I took my time searching for my card - Dean's one was sitting in the glove compartment for easy access, but I didn't want to have to use his. I was just about to get out, when the phone rang, drawing me back in. My breath sucked in in anticipation, worriedly expecting it to be Dean, and I'd get a loud scolding over the phone. But the caller ID wasn't that of Dean's... it was Fahima.

"Hey!" I greeted her warmly - I hadn't spoken to my friend since I'd left her on her doorstep two weeks ago. "What's up?"

"Hey, Mil," Fahima said. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice even over the phone. Granted, it was 2am.

"What are you doing up at this time of the night?" I asked. It wasn't like her.

"Well, I could say the same thing to you," Fahima responded, concern evident in her voice.

I scoffed and shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. Went for a drive. You know, the usual." But I didn't want to talk about me, I was doing my best not to think about Hell - I'd been doing better in these last two weeks with my brothers than I had in the last three months. "Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep either," Fahima said, dropping her voice to a pained whisper. "A little worried, I guess." Same old Fahima, still hadn't learnt the 'not to overshare' technique. I didn't mind, least somebody was open about how they were feeling. "It's the full moon tomorrow night."

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now