Like a Virgin

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A/N: Please keep voting for this book and Life and Lies for Wattys2k16!! Only a month or so to go!




I paced in tense anticipation outside the panic room, waiting for Castiel to finish examining my brother. It'd been ten days since Death had restored Sam's soul, and not once had my brother regained consciousness. The entire time, Dean and I had hung around Bobby's house like sulking ghosts, each of us avoiding the other if at all possible. Dean, naturally, was doing what he always did when he was annoyed at me - giving me the famous silent treatment. He really didn't need to, I felt awful enough already. Sam was unconscious; we weren't even sure if he was going to survive this, and it was entirely my fault. So yeah, I felt pretty damn crappy, and Dean wasn't helping me in the slightest. Right now, trapped in the closest proximity we'd been to each other in ten days, he was shooting me death glares from across the basement.

Finally, Cas exited the panic room, rolling his sleeves down. As the heavy door shut, I caught a glimpse of my unconscious brother on the bed. I winced. Oh Sam, had I really done the right thing here?

"Well?" Dean demanded immediately.

"His soul is in place," Cas responded.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" my brother prompted, shooting me yet another glower.

"I'm not a human doctor, Dean."

"Could you take a guess?" Dean pressed.

"Okay," the angel sighed. "Probably not."

So basically I just killed my brother. Thanks so much. Dean was well and truly giving me a death glare now. "Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, Mil, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him," Cas said.

"What was I supposed to do?" I asked defensively. "Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire? Come on, Dean, you were all for it two weeks ago!"

"Yeah, that was then, before you jumped the gun and did it anyway. Now Sam's gonna die. When I said I wanted my brother's soul back, I didn't want him dead!"

"That wasn't my intention," I shot back. "I just wanted my real brother back." I felt like crying, my eyes were stinging, and that was a first for a long time.

"Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it," Cas said, though I really didn't want to know. "Like it had been skinned alive. Mil, if you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright."

But I didn't! I was just trying to do the right thing! And of course, we all had to suffer because of it. I looked around as silence fell. Cas had vanished. A door banged shut - Dean had stalked off upstairs. I was left alone in the basement, staring at the panic room door. I opened it, and went in. Sam was sleeping unnaturally soundly, not even stirring as I shut the heavy door again. I sighed, crouching at my dying brother's side. His hand, resting atop the duvet, was bitingly cold when I touched it, like he'd shoved it in a bucket of ice for a few hours.

Defeated, I sighed. "What did I do, Sam?" I sniffled.

I knelt there for a while in the silence. Nothing moved, not even me. I could feel a lone tear snaking its way down my cheek, and I swallowed it. Somehow, the saltiness was comforting. I sniffed again, standing up and rubbing my eyes. "Hang in there, Sammy," I murmured as I left, finally unable to sit there any longer. I headed upstairs, finding Bobby in his kitchen. Dean wasn't there, as I'd guessed he might be, but my brother was probably haunting his room as he'd taken to doing.

The Short Second Life of Mil Winchester - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now