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nate asked me to stay that night. i accepted, it was already going to be in trouble for going out to met nate when i wasn't allowed to. 

so of course the next morning, i woke up on nate's chest and his arm wrapped around me loosely. i knew he was going to have a killer headache when he woke up. i slowly lifted his arm off of me and rolled out of the bed. 

i opened his door quietly and looked back to make sure he was still asleep. i crept out and once i knew i was home safe and made my way to the kitchen. i stopped when i saw sammy and swazz already in there. they mustve heard me come out because they both were staring at me. 

"hey guys." i greeted, walking further into the kitchen. 

"hey mia. skate still sleeping?" swazz asked. 

i nodded. "i just want to get him medicine for when he wakes up."

i watched sam reach into a cabinet and hand me a pill which i assumed was tylenol. "hey, thanks for last night. if it weren't for you, i don't know what we would've done."

i shrug and smile, "i'm just glad everyone is okay." 

sammy nodded. "nate really likes you huh?" 

i shrug again. "i don't know. i guess so if you guys had to call me." 

a smirk spread across his face. "do you like him?"

i felt my face became hot and i knew i was blushing. "uh- i don't know. sure's he's great guy."

"ugh, come on mia," sammy cheesed. "you can tell me," he punched me in my shoulder. "we're no longer in high school... well at least we aren't." he teased me. 

i roll my eyes even though i didnt mean it in a rude way and i'm pretty sure he knew that too. "i'm gonna see if nate's up."

i left the two boys and made my way into nate's room. i slowly pushed open the door and saw nate, he was awake. "hey sleepy head." i chuckled walking in. "feeling okay?"

"what do you think?" he groaned. 

"stupid question." i nodded. "um, i brought you medicine for your headache."

"i don't need pills, i need weed." he groaned again, his hands covered his face. 

i laughed, "well take this pill for now." 

he scowled and sat up, taking the pill from my outstretched hand and popped it in his mouth, swallowing it without anything. i furrow my eyebrows but leave it alone. i looked around nate's room. it looked at lot better than what it did last night, i helped him out by cleaning up a bit while he laid on the bed and sobered up. 

"thanks for everything mia." he said looking directly at me. "you're a blessing." 

i smiled at his words and shrugged. "it's fine. i'm just glad you're okay."

he held both of his arms out wide indicating he wanted a hug. i smiled and walked closer to him as he pulled me into his lap, wrapping his muscular arms around me. 

"you stink." i said and pulled away, canceling out the silence that overcame when he hugged me. 

his laugh boomed throughout the room and i knew that would bother his headache, but it didnt seem to bother him much. "you're annoying." he told me. 

i shrugged. i knew he was playing. "no but i'm serious. you stink, go shower." i giggled. 

he rolled his eyes and took me off his lap, standing up. "yes mom." he teased, groaning. 

i laugh. "or take a bath to help you relax more." i suggested. 

"you should join me either way." he looked over his shoulder at me with that stupid smirk. 

my whole body froze. he's kidding right? 

"again, i'm fuckin with you mia." nate laughed. i released my body with a breath. "but you're still welcome to join." he shot a wink at me and disappeared out the door. 

i shook my head. 

dear lord, what is this boy doing to me? 

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