twenty three

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school starts in two weeks and i surprisingly got nate to come school shopping with me. he told me books and pencils were a waste of time- causing me to roll my eyes- so he took me clothes shopping instead.

"take that off," nate scolds me when i come out the dressing room with a dress that stops at my knee. "too much leg."

i roll my eyes, "nate, this is the fourth outfit you didn't like."

"either they were too revealing, short or just plain ugly." i roll my eyes again. "i was  once a high schooler, mia. i know how these boys think."

"like you still don't think the same thing." i tease him. 

"yeah, i do." he cheeses, "but i actually get to do the things i want to do to you... champ" he ends with a smirk. my cheeks instantly heat up as i stick up the middle finger. 

nate placed his hand over his heart and gasped. "mia joyce villegas! did you just," he scoffed. "flip me off?"

i roll my eyes and laugh. "shut up." 

he grabs my hips and pulls me down to sit on his lap. "what happened to my good girl?"

"she met you." i stare him down with the same look. he licks his lips and for a second i thought he was about to kiss me but he just pats my leg, telling me to stand up. 

"go show me something else." he tells me. i nod and grab the black ripped jeans that i had been adoring for a while. when i held the piece of clothing in front of his face, he broke out into a smile. "mj had those same jeans." and now i suddenly don't want them... "you should get them." he tells me.  

i silently sigh and shrug, "eh, i don't know. pretty pricy for a pair of jeans." i come with an excuse to not buy them. 

"i'll buy them for you." nate says like it's nothing. 

i give him a close lipped smile before muttering a thanks. i sigh to myself and put the jeans with the clothes i was buying. 


two months later...

"nate can you please be quiet for like two seconds please?" i sigh to my boyfriend who kept making a beat with the pencils i had laying out. i had a major grade test tomorrow and lately my grades haven't been the best. all my a's slowly turned into b's and sometimes my b's would turn into c's, even d's at times. 

every time i tried to study, nate either distracted me or something else did. him and swazz and the rest of guys are never quiet. 

"sorry." he apologized even though i know he'll be back to making noise in two minutes. "what're you studying for?" he asks. 

"calculus." i say with a sigh, flipping the page with my notes scribbled on it. 

"oh." i hear him say. "maybe you need a break." i could hear the smirk in his voice as he leaned in, pressing his lips to my neck. one of my biggest distractions, he knew my weaknesses sexually and used them against me. 

"nate," i groaned and pushed him away. "please. i really need to pass my test. my grades are seriously screwed."

"alright, alright." he put his hands up in defense, backing away from me. i sigh in relief when he finally quiets down. "yanno, mj was pretty good at calculus so i'm sure you'll be fine."

i roll my eyes and resit the urge to scream. of course in the past two months, it's been mary jane this, mary jane that and i've had it. i just dealt with it but nate honestly needs to move on and bringing her up around me is not helping. 

"good for her." i mutter, highlighting one of the problems i and most trouble on. 

"what's with the attitude?" nate scoffs. "i was just telling you about mary jane."

i spin around in frustration, facing him. "i know!" i exclaim. "that's all you ever talk about."

nate furrows his eyebrows, "what are you talking about mia?"

i scoff and shake my hands. "everything i do has to be compared with mary jane!" i throw my hands up. "mj does it like this, mj used to wear her hair like that, mary jane loved that movie, this is the time mj and i... i'm sick of it nate!"

"that's my fucking girlfriend mia, show some fucking respect." he spat at me through gritted teeth. 

i shake my head and grab my backpack and quickly stuff my stuff inside, i rush to the drawers that held mine and nate's stuff and cram my clothes inside my backpack. 

"where are you going?" nate follows me out. i pass up sam and swazz in the living room on my way to the front door.

"i can't go home that's for sure!" i laugh sarcastically. and of course, mary jane and i shared the same house.

nate furrows his eyebrows in anger and points at himself, "and that's my fault?"

"it's all your fucking fault!" i yell. "my grades are down the toilet, my dad hates me, and to top it all of- i get to be compared to the lovely mary jane." i knew none of this was nate's fault, but this is just my anger speaking. 

"don't take about her that way." nate glares at me with the same dark eyes he had when we first met. 

"whatever." i say and slam the door behind me when i leave nate's.


sooooooo, the next chapter will be the last chapter :(

but don't worry there will be a sequel and i already have the first chapter because i've been dying to post it so this book ended a little sooner than i expected but that's okay, that's why theres that two month time skip. 

anywayyyyy, don't forget to vote and comment!!!


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