Chapter Three

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My heart either temporarily stopped or dropped into the pit of my stomach, because I couldn't feel my heartbeat for a few seconds. I was hesitant to turn around. I didn't want to face my embarrassment. My eyes shut tight and my lips pierced together. I held my breath. Slowly, I turned around on the heel of my foot.
In front of me, only about a yard away, I saw Georgie Henley. She had a large grin spread across her face, something I wasn't expecting to see. I had imagined her steaming up, her brows knit together, being thoroughly offended by my attempt at a British accent.
She had been standing there for who knows how long, watching me imitate her! I thought everyone, especially the actors, had cleared out of the building for lunch. I was obviously very wrong.
"I- I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, I was just pretending!" I stammered nervously. My heart raced and that same sick feeling from earlier flooded my stomach.
Not again, not now, not here.
"It's all right!" beamed Georgie. "Why would I be offended? I thought you did very well!"
My eyes widened and I released a nervous giggle. "Wow, um- you're taking this way better than I thought you were going to. Uh- wow- heh!" I rocked back and forth on my feet, awkwardly shoving my hands in my back jeans pockets.
"You're an American?" said Georgie, a look of astonishment etched on her face. "You're imitation of a British accent was very good! You nearly had me fooled!" She discharged a light, sweet laugh, only making me feel more awkward and humiliated than before. But, at the same time, I felt flattered. Tricking someone from England into believing you have a British accent. Something I can add to my (small) list of accomplishments.
"I've been practicing," I managed to say.
"I'm Georgie- though I doubt you've heard of me."
"A-Are you kidding me?" I chuckled in disbelief. "The real question is who hasn't heard of you! You're huge! I- I mean not in appearance! You're so thin! I mean- not in an unhealthy way- you look healthy-"
I was interrupted by a male voice calling, "Georgie!"
Oh no. Please no.
I rolled my eyes and quickly shut them. It was Skandar. Please don't let him remember me. Please don't let him remember me. Please don't let him remember me.
I turned my head to the right, pretending to stare at one of the large black fans. But it's a challenge to avert your eyes when an attractive person is walking towards you.
"Hey, aren't you that girl I bumped into today?"
He remembered.
"Uh- well, um-" I couldn't lie to him; but confessing the truth certainly didn't sound like a good idea either. I heavily sighed and attempted to play it cool.
I am not cool. Especially under stressful situations.
"Yeah, that was me...sorry," I muttered.
"Don't worry about it," he said with a pleasant smile and a relaxed laugh. "I should've been watching where I was going, too."
There was a slight lull in the conversation until Georgie said:
"I don't think I've seen you on set before. And I'm sorry if you have and I just didn't notice you until now."
"Yeah, I was just hired a few days prior. Uh- I'm Veronica. Veronica Maximoff." So far I wasn't doing such a terrible job acting cool. I had imagined my sentences being choppy and verbally tripping over my words. Maybe it was because they seemed so humble and down to earth. They seemed like real human beings instead of snobby stars, who are always portrayed in movies.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Maximoff, I presume?"
"You are correct," I said, pulling my hands out of my back pockets. I let out a light chuckle and slowly began to feel more and more comfortable.
"I'm surprised that it's not Mrs. Maximoff," said Georgie. "I mean, look at you!"
My cheeks turned a bright red and I started to shift my weight from one foot to the other. Did Georgie Henley just compliment me? Did she basically just call me pretty? The Georgie Henley. I must be dreaming...or dead.
"T-Thank you!" I stammered, not fully believing what had just happened. "But I'm nothing compared to you! I mean, you're gorgeous!"
"Awww! You're too kind," said Skandar, mimicking a girl's voice. Georgie and I both burst out laughing, caught completely off guard by Skandar's joke. Soon even Skandar joined in laughing, while all my nervousness and anxiety melted away into nothing.
Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 3! :D

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