Chapter Eleven

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My eyes flew open, a horrific realization flooded over me.  My duvet was wrapped uncomfortable around my body like a cocoon, barely letting my breath.  I fearfully observed my surroundings, both relieved and disappointed to find myself laying on the floor of my apartment’s bedroom. 

I rested my head against the wooden flooring, hating myself for having such vivid dreams.  Ever since the incident with Skandar last week, my dreams always involve us doing something romantic.  Something I was not mentally prepared to experience. 

Since that moment, I had told him that we should hang out again, but something always stopped me from sending him a text or call.  The dreams had certainly changed my entire perspective about him; but the reality was much worse.  I felt like I was receiving mixed feelings. 

Ever since I met him I always tried to dismiss any romantic thoughts between us, thinking that he only considered me a friend - or at least an acquaintance.  But now I wasn't sure.  And it was like I was almost scared to call him.  But why?

Pushing myself off the floor, I attempted to push the repeating thoughts of my dream out of my mind.  I unplugged my clock, tired of its noise and bright numbers.  I'd just reset it later. 

● ● ●

After I took a steaming shower, washed my face, and combed my hair, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Pinterest, trying to find inspiration for that day's outfit.  Something trendy yet not too revealing.  I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom, just as the perfect outfit caught my eye. 

Opening my closet, I began rummaging through the rack, attempting to find similar articles of clothing.  I was greatly surprised when I found almost the complete outfit - minus the dazzling accessories.

Almost as soon as I put on and buttoned up my jean-shorts, I heard a wrap on my door.  After quickly checking myself in my full-length mirror, I walked over to the door and opened it.

“Surprise!” shouted a familiar voice.

My eyes fell on the frame of a shorter girl with red hair, recognized as my best friend: Alyssa.  I bit my lip, trying to contain a squeal, not wanting to disturb the other tenants. 

“What are you doing here!?” I gasped in a low whisper, gesturing her to come into my apartment.  An excited grin was plastered across my face, which was lacking in makeup. 

“Well, I didn't want to tell you in case it fell through,” Alyssa explained calmly.  She had a matching ecstatic expression across her face.

“In case what fell through?” I asked in an anxious manner.

“I'm moving to Queensland!”

No matter how hard I tried, words just couldn't form in my mouth.  I was too happy to say anything, so I simply stood there facing her, my mouth stretched wide open.  A different expression was etched on my face - mostly shock.

“What?” I managed to say.

“Well, for now anyway.  I graduated from college and decided to temporarily stay here.  Well, not with you, exactly. But next to you!”

“You rented out the other apartment next to me?  But-but why?”

“I figured that you and I could spend some time together before we jump into our life-changing futures, now that we're both college graduates.”

“You're the best,” I said, embracing her in a warm hug.  “I have so much to tell you!”

“Great!  You can update me on your superstar-filled life as you help me unpack.”

“Deal!” I agreed.

● ● ●

We lugged boxes from Alyssa’s car to her apartment for what seemed like hours.  But I didn't pay much attention to the time because I was bombarding her with lengthy and detailed stories - all concerning Skandar.

Alyssa’s always been a good counselor and listener.  Back when I was crushing on a guy in college, she helped me see the kind of jerk he was beneath his sweet, gentle surface.  She saved me from a lot of harm and heartbreak.  So since then, I've come to her with all my problems and questions. 

When I finished, Alyssa hesitated before saying, “Sounds like you've had one heck of a month!”

A somber expression changed my face, tucking erratic stands of hair behind my ear.  I placed the final box beside her bare bed, my gaze sweeping across the capacious room.  A single window on the left seafoam-colored wall allowed a generous amount of sunlight, making unique patterns and designs on the wooden floor.  A dim light fixture hung from above, producing a yellowish glow.  Overall, the bedroom (and the entire apartment, for that matter) was decent match for a single, twenty-three year old female. 

I sat on the mattress in the corner, creating and indentation that looked as if it would swallow me up entirely.  “Soft,” I muttered, a grin spreading across my lips.  Receiving no reply from Alyssa, I finally asked, “Can I ask you something?”

The silent “duh” look informed me that could.  “There's one part of the story I left out.”

“What?” Her eyes sparkled with interest, but her face remained solemn.

“When I told you that Skandar visited me and then watched a movie in my apartment, we had...a moment.  Like I said, we watched that really sad movie - his choice - and at the end, we just looked at each...and then-”

“You kissed!” Alyssa clapped her hands together ecstatically, jumping up from the bed beginning to jig.

“No.  We didn't,” I clarified.  “We almost did, but then the phone rang, and I had to pull a late shift.  Someone got sick.  But ever since then I've been having- dreams.”

“About you and Skandar?”

“Yeah,” I said slowly, nodding my head.  “I actually had one this morning.  And it's terrible because I hate them, but at the same time I- well- kind-of enjoy them.”

“Veronica,” Alyssa said, “you have one of the hottest celebrities crushing on you.  So let him!  And you forget your dreams so easily.  In a month, you won't even remember them!”

“I guess you're right.”

“You know I am,” she said.  “Now let's go out to eat - my treat.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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