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Three days had past since I went to Christian's house and I had a lot of fun

, but I hadn't heard from him.. So I went round to HashTag and he wasn't there.

I walked in and my friend Echo yelled across the store, " Esten, what's up?" Echo was on her morning shift sorting new albums and such.

" Have you seen an awkwardly beautiful boy named Christian? He was a here a couple of days ago.." I told her with my eyes getting wide.

She stepped behind the counter, and said

" Yeah, he's at the park with some friends go see him round, he'd like it." She waved me and I told her I'd come back later.

Running out of the store,

I turned right and raced up the sidewalk hill and in mist my hands jangled free and my watch broke and fell to the ground ,

so I stopped and ran back to get it and it was broken.

It was my dad's watch..

' what have I done..' I thought. Tears started forming and I just let them fall and continued to race up to the park,

Little Talks was playing out loud of the Extra cafe and I just didn't bother to stop to listen to it I kept running.

Finally I reached it and I scanned to find him and I couldn't , and so I sat back on the bench but it didn't feel the same.

He walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder.

" YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME, SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled and I began crying.

Christian sat down beside me and pulled me into his chest and I began calming down,

" im sorry. I didn't think you wanted to see me today.. " he said with sharped tone and he held his head down.

I apologized to him for yelling and I explained that I get scared easily. And he said he'd never do that again.

We stayed at the park once again, and he took something out of his pocket, and he put it into my hands.

It was a Vance Joy Polaroid from his concert that he went to.

"Have it. I have tons more, this is a gift for hanging out with these past few days. And Echo was wrong. She told you to come find me at the park with my friends but the truth is I have none."

He spoke up and I saw the light pass away from his eyes and hit the grass.

" I'm your friend, so you were at the park with a friend. Simple as that."

I said to him as I examined his new shirt he had one. And every shirt he has is neater everyday.

" I want to take you somewhere, you'll like it a lot. I promise." he said smiling and I took his word for it.

Christian handed me a pass and I gripped it really tightly, just then a bus pulled up.

I thought about it to myself

' Esten you are 16, let it go and go on it'


We got on and sat in the back, and Christian grabbed my hand and we felt as one and it was the most pretty thing I had ever watched form.

The bus closed the door, and became moving .

I began to quiver and make small noises and Christian squeezed my hand,

" you're going fine Esten , nothing bad is going to happen."

The bus took a turn and began on the interstate at 50 mph and I started to scream.

I sat in my chair screaming and yelling and I put my hands on my head , and big fat tears came rolling down,

A woman across from us shouted at Christian,

" Hey kid! Tell your freak girlfriend to calm down!" She scoffed and tried to ignore my panic attack.

" STOP MAKE IT STOP CHRISTIAN I CANT DO THIS STOP IT GOD " I yelled some more and looked out the window and he held me and didn't let go ,

Finally I screamed, "STOP THE BUS DAMN IT PLEASE"

the bus crossed the bridge and spun around the road and rolled into the parking lot of the school.

It ran into a car carrying a baby and a mother ....

I sat in the chair sobbing.

" I killed them... I did that . Christian I did that oh no I no no !! " I blinked and tears kept coming.

The other passengers ran out to see the mother and child and I was left on the bus.

Soon the police arrived and running towards the bus was my Mother.

I was still crying and I was upset , Mother walked on the bus and I said,

" I did that. I did that. I killed them, I cannot live like that." I put my head in shame

My Mother had fury in her eyes and pointed at Christian,


She began crying mumbling and I stood up,

" HE DIDNT KNOW BECAUSE I DIDN'T TELL HIM, FOR A MOMENT I WANTED TO FEEL NORMAL.!" I shook the bus seat and slammed my head on the window.

Christian watched me and he couldn't weld together anything, and looked sad.


he pounded his fist at the glass and broke the window leaving his hand bloody and filled with glass.

" Christian, why did you do that !?!? Stop!" I screamed at him and I stood up and I picked the glass out of his hand and he punched the other hand, and stood before me with two bloody fists.

" I did this to ... To show you not everyone is perfect. But you are."

He took my hand and blood got on mine as well but I didn't care and my Mother came off the bus behind us and an angry mod came about and started yelling at me ,

The same woman from the bus pointed,

" that girl needs to get sent away"

Another one said ,

" you killed the principal of the elementary school way to go freak."

Christian stood there still holding my hand and he began to talk,

" Illnesses aren't looked upon as serious, and I think that everyone should be informed about them. Esten may have mental abnormalities, but I will love her with all I have. Beauty isn't putting on make up or buying the latest clothes its the brain, the heart, the eyes. Don't send her away please , " he stopped talking and walked away .

He started to run and I tried to chase after him but the officers grabbed me and I shouted

" I DONT LIKE WALKING AROUND THIS OLD AND EMPTY HOUSE " I tried to sing but the tears got in my way

And silence filled the moment until I heard ,


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