Five. // Christians POV

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I came home that night in the back of the police car and it arrived at my house,and I got out without saying a word.

I walked up the steps and swung the door open to my mother and father standing there with crossed arms.

I ran through them and went to my room and I just destroyed everything.

My mom came rushing in and holding me back from the mirror because I wanted to hit it.

" CHRISTIAN STOP WHAT IS WRONG?" She asked me brushing her fingers through my hair and I got out of her grip...

" They are sending her away, the girl .. My friend. Esten. And its all because of me WHY AM I SUCH A SCREW UP!"

I took to my Polaroid wall and I started to rip them off the wall , and I noticed that there was a note and a Polaroid attached to it and it was of Esten.

The note read;

" I love you Christian.. I don't know how to say it so I didn't . I wrote instead oh and if you ever get a chance watch a beautiful mind :) ." - Esten.

I broke down in tears, I began to tell my mother everything , how we met. The tea. The Vance joy Polaroid. The two days at the park.

" where were you going to take her?" Mom asked me holding my shoulders tight.

" I was going to show her the pier.. And I was going to take her to the shop and sing her a song." I answered her slowly.

Dad came in to grab me and take me into the living room and I sat in the floor and watched the TV.

" yesterday morning two kids boarded the shuttle , and the destination has not been revealed but we do know that 16 year old Esten collswaall has mental instabilities and was seen to have an attack on the bus ride causing the driver to swerve off course and hit the car of Mrs. yonda Elvis and her daughter Maki Elvis. " said the reporter.

There was another shot of one standing where the bus is and the windows that I punched were still there, I grabbed my coat and ran out into the pouring rain.

My mother and father called after me but I didn't listen.

I ran after everything I ever wanted and I lost it. I lost her. I lost my friends.

Passing by HashTag , I yelled at Echo to come with me and she dropped the new albums and ran out.

We reached the site and the woman was talking about the injuries that were produced like my two bloody fists.

I walked up and the camera man said to me,

" hey kid you can't be here." And they continued to film.

" I was the boy on this bus , and the girl that was on here, it wasn't her fault. I didn't know about her illness. At all, if I did I wouldn't have taken her on the bus, Esten is a special girl and they took her away. That's bullshit."

I said into the camera, and the woman looked at me and said ,

" People like her should be locked up, she could hurt someone ." she looked at me with fear in her eyes.

I took my coat off and I got soaked in the rain and I said,

" people like her should be allowed to roam where ever she feels. Esten is not an animal , why treat her like one?"

Echo and I left and walked away and just walked around the city, and people stared at me because I had just been on there phones and tablets and they seemed mad.

Mike passed by me on the sidewalk and he couldn't look at me , and I thought that this wouldn't ruin everything.


I forgot I had made a snap chat of Esten singing little talks and I pulled out my phone and watched it over and over.

Echo stopped me in the middle of the street and hugged me.

" Esten came in that day, and she called you awkwardly beautiful. That makes up for a lot. Dude, she had nobody before she met you. I'm really glad you came into the store when you did.."

We continued to hug.


Monday , June 23rd, 2016.

I sat up in bed and it's been nine days since Esten was taken from me and I feel so victimized and helpless.

I've drank nothing but tea, and I keep spinning the record that she loved and it makes me feel like shes in the room with me.

I walked into the living room to see my mother father and brother and sister watching a movie , and I joined them.

" what's this?" I asked as I sat down next to Ashton and kimmi.

Mom answered, " Benny and Joon. The most beautiful movie ever,"

I said " A beautiful Mind is better. " and then proceeded to watch the movie.

The scene stopped where Joon has an attack on the bus, and I paused the movie.

" mom, what the hell is this? You can't show me something like this. I know how it is I went through that. You're saying I'm Benny and Esten is Joon? That's wrong. "

I said sitting up in my chair. And she said back to me,

" honey you have to understand she's not like us. Esten needed a place to go. " she spoke as if she didn't have a place to go.


this time they didn't come after me , they let me go. And it was about time they did.

" Making bad decisions is my middle name , someone come put me out of my pain, "

I started humming a tune and I liked it and I ran back inside my house and grabbed my guitar and note pad and wrote a song.

Echo called me and I picked up,

" are you going to see Esten? They said visitors are allowed." And I told her sure and we met at HashTag.

Walking into that bright white place , I can see that Esten had been through so much. She just wanted someone to love her and I couldn't do that.

Echo and I turned four halls and stood outside her door and I slid down the wall had I had my guitar with me and I was speechless. Lumps formed in my throat.

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