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Echo, Sammi, Trev, and I sat on the curb of Esten's house as we heard she would be coming home soon,

We waited and waited and finally I turned to Echo and said,

" is that jank ass hospital lying? She should be home by now!! "

She's been exactly four weeks since I last saw her at the hospital , and I don't know how I am going to keep it together.

Just then, a car pulled up and Esten was yelling in the back but her nurse was soothing her or trying to.

Esten looked at the window and saw me and Echo and jumped out of the car and ran to me , her bare feet smacked the asphalt and I'm sure she didn't care.

She ran and jumped into my arms and I spun her around and around and she sobbed loudly in my arms.

Echo , sammi, and Trev started hugging each other and crying too.

Her mother walked round and pulled Esten off me and looked me straight in the eye,

" Christian Akridge, I want you to leave. Leave our family alone. Never come back." she said to me and Esten broke down in tears.

She hugged me tight and she looked at me with those pretty eyes of hers the onces I've come to love , she kissed me and her tears fell on my lips and I left them there.

She pulled away from me and waved at me and I said nothing.

Echo, Sammi, Trev and I held hands and walked away from her house .

All I heard from her house was " CHRISTIAN AKRIDGE WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND?!?!?!?" then came hysterical crying and yelling.


we walked further from her house and after that , I stayed in my room.


Ashton knocked on my door and came in with food but I only let him stand there and say my name over twenty times only for me to get mad and slam the door.

" leave. Now. " I said to him and he couldn't understand that his big brother was dying.

I was dying because the only I ever wanted, is taken away from me.

" Christian, summer baseball is coming up, do you want to join up? " mom asked me through the door and I made no sound.

" Esten asked me to be her boyfriend yesterday when she came home, Mom." I fiddled with my fingers to resemble her hands when she played with them.

Mom sat down on my bed , coming in uninvited but okay.

" Esten, needs rest. She won't be the same girl okay, maybe talk to some other girls. " mom suggested and I just burst into anger.

" Esten is the one I want. You know sometimes the new toy you want comes a little rusty, yeah its got instructions but who wants those? and maybe its best for outcasts to be together." I told her making me cry even more.


Seven // Esten's house

I miss Christian, its certainly not the same drinking Tea or listening to music without him.

I went up to the balcony of the house and looked in the distance.

" what if I run away? Run just run and see Christian one more time.?" I thought about it and I wanted to do it.

Three more days past and the summer baseball join up was happening and mother took me and I sat there emotional as ever and Echo came by and she told me while sitting down,

" Christian's mom told him that your some what dying. And he won't get out of bed." Echo told me and I took off and Echo stalled my mother and I ran off to go see him.

I paced around and around every corner and I stopped at his street.

I came up the steps I had once before when we were together.

I opened the door and no one was there , I went past the kitchen to his room it was locked.

I knocked and no answer and I knocked again.

He came to the door , and he opened it.

He pulled me in and shut the door .

He pushed me on the bed and layed down with me , he carassed my face and held me in his arms and I felt okay and it was more than I could ask for.

Kimmi opened the door and screamed at the top of her lungs.


kimmi ran off and I panicked and I was trying to hide Esten , but Mom came in.

" Esten, I spoke to your mom earlier and we think its best if you move. Move to another mental hospital, away from here. " she spoke and grabbed Christian away from me and stood by him.

" wait, take this. All of it. " I gave her a box with all the stuff that we did.

The type of tea we had, a scrapbook of the photos I took before I met her , everything.

" this is forreal, and I don't know how to say this. I love you. " I told him with tears in my eyes and he had tears too.

We hugged and hugged and the Van came and took me away for good.

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