Ten. // ft. Wesley Tucker and Mike Mancari

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After the party, I stayed around with Wesley and Mike and explained everything.

Wesley got up and grabbed his keys,

" Were gonna help you bring her home, no matter how much trouble we get in. If this means we get kicked out of pressplay so be it. Christian, you're like a brother to me and I can't stand to see you broken. Mike wants to help too."

We got up and left , I sat in the back seat while Wes and Mike took the front seats.

Driving at 11:30 at night to the airport to board a flight , and I promised her I'd take care of her and now that she could possibly be gone , I don't know how I'm functioning.

I Of The Storm by Of Monsters And Men came on the radio,

Wesley looked up through the rear view mirror and saw me starting to cry.

" Want me to turn it off?" He asked with his hand on the volume bar ready to turn it down.

" This was one of Esten's favorite songs. Keep it on." I said smiling with fat baby tears running down my face making my cheeks damp.

Driving past the stores and houses, the lights twinkled and shinned on the roads just a little.

We make a right turn and we entered the airport parking lot and got out.

" Are you sure you guys want to help me? I mean I don't want you two to get kicked off pp." I said picking the bottom of my jean jacket apart.

Wesley laid his hand on my shoulder ,

" Buddy we got this. Come on." he smiled and his green eyes twinkled and were full of determination.

Many people were sitting in chairs, and buying food, and were asleep.

Wesley Mike and I came to a counter and a lady in an indigo flight top and pencil skirt was behind it typing away.

" We need three tickets to Canada, Please."

Wesley stumbled over his words and his throat became scratchy.

The woman tapped and scrolled on her screen, and looked back up.

" You need an adult to fly with our airline boys, sorry to burst your plans. " She smiled half-hearted at all three of us and resumed her typing on the screen.

Wesley raised his hand to get her attention.

" I'm 19 . I can be these two's guardian. Is that okay? " He asked her putting 300$ on the counter and she took the money.

She printed three tickets and handed them to us.

" be safe boys! Have a great travel." she said and gave us a wave.

On the back of mine, she had written her phone number incase something happened.

We waited three hours to board the plane and finally a woman with a heavy British accent came on the loud-speaker,

" Gate 23D, now boarding to Montreal, Canada." And she hung up.

We walked through customs, and were well on our way to the seats.

The woman at the counter gave us class A seating , which was really sweet of her.

I forgot that I had never flown a plane except this year because of press play , so I was still new to the whole flying thing.

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