Chapter 14

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"So how was your day?" Jordan asks as we stroll through the park.   "Very interesting. Before I go into any detail. How was yours?"  I question, suddenly feeling kind of nervous. I mean not that I have to ask his permission to move in with Cameron, but I feel like I am. 

"It was good. Didn't get shot and killed today so...yea....I'd say it was pretty successful," he jokes and takes a seat on the bench looking up at me.   "That's not very funny," I clutch my chest, trying to push away any thoughts of him getting hurt.

"Hey," he says softly and pulls me to him,"It was a bad joke on my part. I'm sorry. But I'm gonna be okay. No need for you to worry."   He tries to grin, but for some reason I don't really feel like smiling back. He looks concerned, at me, waiting for me to reply. Jordan pulls me closer to him, as I'm still standing, trying to gauge my reaction. 

I never took into consideration how dangerous his line of work was, before now. Could I really start something with someone who could be gone so quickly? Then again tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. I work in a hospital, I see all kinds of freak accidents taking people's lives, more often then I'd like. Just more reason to really live in the moment. I guess. And who said he wanted anything to go further. I could be just working myself up, over nothing.  

"All I know is...when you visit my better stay as a visitor not as a patient. Understood," I shake a finger at him.  

"Yes ma'am," his grin returns and he gives a salute. This time I return the smile. I go to sit next to him and he puts his arm around me, pulling me close. We fall into a comfortable silence, both wrapped up in our own thoughts. My thoughts all concerned with how to brooch the subject about my future living situations.

  "Hey...ummmmm Lexie. Can I ask you a question?" he asks nervously. I look up at him to see he is still staring straight ahead. Now I'm worried.  

"Sure" I say, preparing for the worst. 

 This could be it. The end of a great few weeks. At least we can end on a high note. And maybe we can still be friends. That would be nice.   

"I really like you...and um..."he stalls.

As for me, I'm holding my breath waiting for the ball to drop. I don't say anything. I hate it when people are about to say something really important to someone, and that person blurts out information that changes things. Like one time in middle school, I tried to tell this guy named Rodney that I liked him. Just when I was about to confess, he blurted out his affection for my lab partner; therefore, I couldn't exactly tell him my feelings. I'd be deemed a loser. Not that I wasn't already, but why add fire to an already blazing flame. So I guess I have somewhat of an issue when people can't finish their sentences without being interrupted. Especially when it's something important. Important, like what Jordan is about...

"Did you hear me?" he asks, finally making eye contact with me.   O' God! please tell me I didn't just zone out while he was talking. How insensitive of me? Quick do some damage control.

"Ummmm you were talking too low. Can you say it again?" I reply, hoping he doesn't think rude of me.  

"I guess I was..." Whew that was close. I mentally wipe the sweat from my forehead.

He takes a deep breath and starts again. He's so handsome. He probably wants to break whatever this is off so he can hook up with someone who looks like Jade. I shiver at the thought of someone as crazy as Jade ending up with someone as nice as Jordan. I personally, don't think she deserves Cameron. But who am I to judge? Maybe she's really kind to him, when she's not thinking about herself.  

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