Chapter 16

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"And BOOOMMMM that's how it's done, suckah!" I yell at the screen as Toad zooms past Yoshi to the finish line.

"You only won because I'm injured. If I were in perfect health, you wouldn't be doing that silly little victory dance just now," Cam sulks as I've just beat him for the tenth time on Mario Carts. So what if he’s an invalid. No mercy. That’s just how competitive I am.

"Sure. Sure it is." I appease, but it's ineffective since my tone is dripping with sarcasm.

He tries to keep scowling at me, but since I haven't stopped dancing it doesn't stay there long. He finally burst out laughing as I start doing some retarded version of the robot. I'm not the best dancer, but I can keep a beat. Besides I love to dance so why stop. I turn around and push play on my phone. It immediately starts playing Timbaland's Release. Perfect party song.

I am out of control, I’m out of body
I am out of control, who’s here to party?
I am out of control, I’m out of body
I am out of control, I’m out of, wait a minute!

I start singing the lyrics transitioning to some kind of shuffle thing learned from XBox's Dance Revolution 2. Cam's just watching with a smile on his face.

"Sing it with me!" I urge him, as I jump into hammertime move. By this point he is in full blown laughter. It's a lovely and encouraging sound. He eventually sings the lyrics with me.

Oh! I push, the party starts
Haters can’t even see me
We came to party hard
I think I need to..

The song is cut off as my phone alerts me of a text message. I stop dancing to read it.

Jordan: I miss you. :(

Aww. Speaking honestly I've missed him too. I haven't actually seen him face to face since our walk in the park. That was about a week and a half ago. Of course we text and talk on the phone all the time, but it's not the same.

Me: I miss you more, teddy. How are you?

As can be seen, I've nicknamed him teddy. Because he gives the best hugs. Plus, he's nice, cuddly and cute like a teddy. He wasn't opposed to the nickname, so long as I don't use it in public or around his cop friends. I agreed to the terms, obviously.

Jordan: No complaints. What are you up to, angel?

His chosen term of endearment for me is angel. His reasoning was that I am "beautiful inside and out so it fits". Talk about a blush worthy moment. 

Me: Beating Cameron in Mario Cart

O right Cameron... I look up to see Cam, grimacing.

"You okay? Pain?" I question immediately going to check my paperwork, to see if I can give him some more medicine.

"No, I'm fine. Who's that?" he questions.

"My boyfriend." I answer and can't help but to grin. He frowns initally but then returns my smile. He almost has the same look I get when I see skinny people eating pizza. It's almost unfair how some people are able to eat whatever they want and remain slim, but the rest of us....the rest of us better not even think about the word carbs, lest we gain a pound. Back to Cam. The look on his face, before he masked it with a smile is jealous. I've heard some of the conversations between he and Jade, and let's just say it normally ends with one or both angry with the other. He probably wishes his relationship was a little less tumultuous. Like teddy and I.

"Really? Your boyfriend?" he inquires.

"Yes, really. Why is it that hard to believe, that I'm in a relationship?" I take my huge plush chair next to him.

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