Chapter 20

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First things first…the last chapter I wrote was garbage. I know some of you liked it. And I appreciate that. That’s why I love you dearly…But when I first uploaded it, there were so many errors in it. I didn’t really like the content. I didn’t want them to say they loved each other that way….I’m ashamed I posted it in the first place. I did so, because of the high demand for another chapter. However, I can promise that it won’t happen again. I won’t be posting anything until I think it is worthy of your time. There may be errors (I’m only human) but the content will be up to par next time. Every time.

Which leads me to my second point…my disgust with the last chapter had something to do with the delay on this one. I was just really disappointed in it, and not motivated to continue at the time; therefore, I had a bit of writer’s block.  Added to that, finals and stuff. Let’s just say there are a bajillion (yes I said bajillion lol) excuses I can give…but I won’t. I will try my hardest not to have another long lapse in between chapters. This one may still need some work, but I’m pretty happy with it. It’s late and I know you all deserve something, after being so patient with me.

Thirdly…please read the question at the end. I really need feedback on it. Even if you just PM me to all you silent readers (lol)

Fourthly, sorry for putting this long note at beginning of the chapter…I really hope not to have to do this kind of explaining again. It was just the only thing I could think of so you all would read my apology.

That is all….on to the story my lovelies!!!



"Can I ask you something?" she asks moving out of my arms to look at me, probably to see my reaction.

"Anything?" I reply kind of nervous as to the direction the conversation is going. I straighten up on the couch, aiming my body towards hers.

"What did your ex do?" she asks sitting up and I stiffen. I hadn't wanted to go into that sad part of my life, but I figure it may help us move forward. 

"I mean you don't have to tell-" she starts.

"No, I can tell you," I reply and sit up on the couch myself. She turns and faces me, taking my hand, prepared to hear whatever I'm going to say.

"Her name was Serena and we'd met in our junior year of college. Someone was trying to take advantage of her at a party and I stepped in. I took her to a coffee shop afterwards and we hung out. We talked well into the next day. We had so much in common. She was beautiful, smart, and funny.  As cliché as it seems, we became inseparable," I smirk thinking of the happier times I'd had with her.

"Anyway, we'd dated well after graduation and I was still trying to figure out if I wanted to go the cop route or not. Those times, my dad and I didn't get along. He wasn't too fond of her, said something was off about her. Add to that the fact that I wasn't training, and well… he wasn’t my biggest fan during that period. Serena’s degree was in Language Arts and English, so when she was offered a job as an Editor's Assistant at some fancy magazine not too far from here, she took it. And I followed, because I loved her. I was happy because she was happy. I couldn't figure out what I wanted in life, but I was so sure about her,” Lexia squeezes my hand reassuringly.

“A little while later, she started acting funny. But then she told me she was pregnant, so I just chucked it up to that. I promptly asked her to marry me, she'd said yes. I was over the moon. Things seemed to finally be falling into place. I had a baby on the way with the love of my life. I even patched things up with my dad, by that point. He couldn’t wait to become a grandfather. But I noticed little things that had changed. She wasn’t acting the same. She’d changed. She’d come home with new things that I knew we couldn’t afford. And suddenly I wasn’t ‘good enough’ for the lifestyle she wanted. Her whole style and personality morphed before my very eyes. We started arguing more than anything. She became a little more distant. And she wasn't coming home as often and I thought it was just the wedding jitters or nervousness about becoming a mother..." I took a deep breath trying hard not to relive this situation. 

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