four :)

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Mika's POV

I was getting bored listening to the history teacher. Doodlings were scattered along my notes, the indication of boredom. I felt a tap on the back and turned around, looking at Jimin. 

"Mika, Jin wants to meet you after school.' Jimin whispered. My heart races. Is that even a good idea after what happened yesterday? 

"I don't accept no as an answer. So see you later." That, my friend, is Park Jimin. Even though I only met him yesterday , I knew we had some sort of strong connection as a best friend.

I nodded my head in defeat and turn back to what the teacher was teaching. 20 minutes passed and I was shaking in my seat, a habit of mine when I just can't wait for a lesson to be over. Soon, the bell rang and I quickly packed my things. History was the last lesson which means no more studying. Thank god!

Jimin intertwines his fingers with mine before leading us out of the classroom. 

"Why do you like to hold people's hand?" I asked out of curiosity and gently squeezed his hand. It was a friendly gesture for us.

"A habit." He shrugged and brought me to the rooftop.

I was nervous. What if he hits me again? I'm emotionally unstable. Oh my god Mika chill.

A snap of a finger brought me back to reality and I realised that I was already in front of Jin. He smiled apologetically before giving some sort of eye signal to Jimin. I raised my eyebrows at this and just shook my head to shake off any bad thoughts.

Jimin let go of my hand before patting my shoulders then leaving. I stood there , awkward, waiting for Jin to speak up. I was shocked when he gave me a pink box. Taking the box that was handed up to me, I smiled fondly at him.

"Thank you," I said and led us to a spot where we both could sit.

I opened the box and giggled slightly at the sight of candies and chocolate in it. There was a letter too and I looked at him, silently asking if I could read it. He nodded and cover his face with his hands, probably embarrassed.

Hey, Mika. I want to say I'm sorry for slapping you. I know words can't heal the pain entirely but I really hope you will forgive me. I don't know what had gotten into me till the extend that I hit you. Your parents would probably hate me for doing so at their precious daughter. I just hope you'll give me a second chance to start over our damaged friendship. What do you say, Mika?

I looked at him who is still covering his face. The smile that was etched on my face was so wide I'm sure it looks weird. Removing his hands from his face, he looked at me. I just showed him a big thumbs up before holding out my hand.

"HiI'm Mika. Nice to meet you." He laughed and shook my hand.

"I'm Seokjin and you're pretty." I blushed and tried to laugh it off.

We spent the time just laughing at our lame jokes and it felt relieving that our friendship was in good terms again. I was busy eating the oreo chocolate he gave when his phone rang, signalling someone calling.

"Excuse me for a moment." I nodded and he went to answer it. 

It was about 5 minutes when I decide to check if everythings okay and just as I was about to stand, a blindfold was wrapped around my head to cover my eyes. I was about to scream when I hear Jin's calming voice.

"Just relax. Follow me." He said and helped me gather my things then leading me to somewhere I don't know.


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