six :)

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Mika's POV

Since the day Jin and i had a picnic together , our friendship became stronger and also not to mention my friendship with the other 6 boys. I might look weird like why don't I have girl friends ? Well, because I'm just lazy to make new friends , sounds harsh but yeah.

"Mika-ssi?" I snapped my head to the source of that voice and smiled warmly when I see Jungkook jogging towards me. I closed the door of my locker before going to him so he doesn't have to jog all the way to me.

"Uhm, do you want to go to eat lunch with me?" He asked politely and I couldn't help but chuckle at his politeness.

I nodded my head and said a 'let's go' while grabbing Jungkook's hand and heading out the school. I felt Jungkook intertwines his fingers with mine and I just tighten the grip. It's been a custom for me to be held hands with the boys, of course, I took it as a friendly gesture-well except for Jin's but that's a different story- so I don't mind at all.

"Where's the rest?" I ask while tying my hair up in a messy ponytail because having hair stick to your face when you're walking in a windy place annoys me so much.

"They're having extra classes," I just oh'ed and continue walking.

I turned to look at him. I noticed how he always seem shy when he's around me, how his tone has a difference when he's talking to me versus when he's talking to his friends. He reminds me so much of my- BANG!

My head hurts so badly. Oh my god, I look like an idiot who just bumped his head at the door of Macdonald's.Jungkook rushed to my side to help me stand up while rubbing the side of my head with his palms. The distance between me and Jungkook was so near - my face is in the crook of his neck- and I feel so awkward.

A coughed made me pull myself away from him and I rubbed my neck in embarrassment.

"Oh Jin hyung," I looked up and sure there he and his friend are standing. Smirks were plastered on their faces well except for Jin.

Jin went to me and grabbed my hand , pulling me to his side. Before I had a chance to say anything, I was dragged away by Jin himself.

"Jin hyung what do you want?!" I heard Jimin shout which got a shouted response of ' order me anything'

I turned to look at them , expecting them to help me, but instead,they did a fist pump. OH OKAY FAM.

It took me alot of strength to just stop in my tracks which made him stop too. I turn him around forcefully to make him look at me. I noticed how his hair is parted in the middle showing his forehead, how he is biting his lips, how his hands are clenched- WAIT CLENCHED?

"Jin, calm down. I'm here aren't I?" I said calmly. Jin just looks up at me before releasing a sigh. That's it, my instincts about him having a bad day had just been confirmed. I took big step forward and hug him tightly.

My head was at his chest area -yes that's how short I am- while his head was above my head. I felt his arm glides around my waist before hugging me back tightly. To be very honest, I'm squealing like a fangirl inside.

Do I have a crush on him?


Who am I lying? Yeah, I do.

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