eight :)

610 16 4

mika's pov

i woke up when i felt my head being adjusted on something soft . my eyes cracked open and i realised that its night time and i'm outside. i sit up suddenly which caused my head to knocked on something; specifically a head.

"ouch!" i giggled silently when the head that i knocked was jin's. i rub his forehead and sat properly.

"finally woke up princess?" namjoon asked with a smirk. i just stuck out my tongue and look around.

"what time is it?" i asked and jungkook replied with a "9 pm'

shit shit , im late. my curfew was 6 pm . i stood up and look at jungkook .

"jungkook can you accompany me home?" i asked and he nodded , carrying his bag .

i went to everyone and gave them a fist bump and when i came to jin, he just pulled me into a hug before releasing me hurriedly when the rest of the boys coughed. i blushed in embarrassment before saying my farewells 

jungkook and me walked together in silence before jungkook decided to talk.

"oh Mika -sshi do you like jin? " I stopped dead in my tracks.

was I that obvious?  no right?  I mean like I just hug him but that's normal.  right?

I decided to go with the flow and asked him back

"why?  do you like me? " I asked with a little smirk.

he just giggles nervously and pushed his hair back.

"as a friend.  don't expect much princess. "I punched his shoulder playfully.

our journey back home was full of laughters and playful shoving around.

when we reach my house,  jungkook knocked the door for me. i looked down at my shoes,  afraid of what's coming for me

the door soon opened and there stood my mom. a look of relief washed over and she sighed.

"what time is it now? " I giggled nervously before jungkook spoke up

"hi madam, I'm sorry in her behalf but I hope you won't scold her for coming home late ,I've ensured she is safe 24/7" jungkook reassured her and then bow

my mom just look at him in adoration before gesturing him to come in.

"why don't you sleep over tonight, there's a spare room. wash up and Mika will make you two supper ," my mom says with a gentle smile before going to her room

I look at her;  wide eyes. she has never been so kind to any boys that were friends with me. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned my attention to jungkook.

"uhm, do you have spare clothes? " I nodded before pulling him to my room

he followed behind me like a lost puppy. once we reach my room I instructed him to wait by the door.

"okay I own boys clothes don't ask why.  hope this checkered PJ's pants and white tee fits you " I took the article of clothings and passed to him.

he took it and rushed to the bathroom, while I went to the kitchen to make a light snack.

I boiled some water for the hot chocolate that I'll be doing before grabbing a loaf of bread to make bread pizzas.

while I was taking a jar of tomato sauce, my phone notification went off. I wiped my hands on my pants before unlocking my phone revealing 5 msgs from Jin.

jin 😊: Mika ssi are you home yet

jin 😊: hello gurl

jin 😊: istg r u dead

jin 😊:I'm gonna kill jungkook


I laughed at his messages before typing in a reply.

me: yes I'm hope jin, don't worry . goodnight to u and the rest 💓

I locked my phone before going back to the food and drink that I was currently doing

I put the readied pizza bread into the toaster and place the 2 cups of hot chocolate on the table and sat down.

jungkoom soon came down and sat in front of me.

"hey jungkook knock knock " i asked while trying to stiffle a laugh .

"whos there? " and rest his head on his palm

"interrupting cow"


"MOOOOOOOI" I burst in laughter, smacking the table with my hand in the process.

I stopped laughing when I realised I was the only one laughing and looked at jungkook with a 'done ' face

"bruh it was funny, " I replied while flipping my hair and standing up to retrieve the pizza bread

"well sorry because I was admiring you, " I dropped the tong that I wanted to use to grab the bread.

"what? "


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