eleven :)

642 14 1

I was currently sitting against a tree with Mika next to me as we're planning on what to do.

mika was tapping her pen on her notebook which holds her scribbles of ideas for the upcoming event.

"oh yeah jin. can we do dance? " I choked on my coffee just as she said that.

shaking my head as a sign of 'no' she just pouted and clasped her hand together trying to convince me to agree to her idea.

"oh c'mon. you have a group called bts and y'all always enter competition why can't you just dance? "she muttered, obviously not liking me disagreeing her.

I just chuckled before patting her head to lean on my shoulder and leaning back again against the tree.

"sigh okay but let's ask the others on what dance to do. just because I don't know what to dance, " I said and she nodded and continue scribbling on her notebook.

hours later which was filled with both of us falling asleep against the tree trunk, I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder.

rubbing my eyes, I sat up properly and looked at my friends surrounding me with smirks on their face. I laughed in embarrassment before tapping Mika's head to wake her up.

"h-hm? "her voice was raspy as she sat up properly.

I gave her a bottle of water and asked everyone to sit down as to discuss about the dance preparation.

"so hyung, what do you need help? " namjoon asked while cracking his knuckles and stretching his legs out.

I turned my head to Mika to ask about her opinion but she's already walking away with jungkook.

"yo you two. where you going? "I shouted obviously displeased at the current situation.

mika just gave a thumbs up and shouting a 'don't worry' before following jungkook.

"okay back to the subject. me and mika are assigned as an opening act for this upcoming school event. and she wants dance. so what dance should we do? "I said everything under one breath.

the others look at me before bursting into fits of laughter. it went to the extent of jimin laughing and bumping his head into taehyung's.

"o-okay. omg. seriously?" yoongi said in between laughter.

I just gave them a middle finger before crossing my arms.

"how about beautiful? the one me jungkook jimin and tae did. " hoseok suggest while tapping my knee.

my eyes brightened at the thought and smied appreciatively at hoseok and muttered a 'thank you'.

"so if that's settled why don't you and mika come to the dance studio soon? " namjoon suggested.

"nah I can't. the event is in 5 days so probably today will be the practice, " I replied.

they just nodded before saying that we should go lunch together and then proceed to dancing.

I agreed and carried mika's belonging and walking with them to my car.

once everyone was seated in the car, jimin came up to me accompanying me wait for mika and jungkook.

"hyung do you like mika?" the question came up from nowhere and i was surprised to say the least.

"y-yeah."I replied, my voice becoming smaller.

"aww!! that's so cute, "jimin cooed and patting my back.

I just chuckled before looking at the school entrance when I saw mika and jungkook walk together hand in hand.


hand in hand?

if looks could kill I could tell you that jungkook will be a dead son of a bitch by now. oh my God. how dare he.

"hyung mika is h- oh, " jimin seem to have sense my anger so he hurriedly ran to jungkook and pull him away just to drag him into the car.

mika seem to be lost but her face was replaced with a smile soon after when she saw me. jogging towards me she gave a light hug before entering the car to sit next to hoseok.

I took a deep breath and crack my knuckles before entering the driver seat and starting the engine.

"okay so the agenda for today is, " namjoon says in a sing song voice.

"shut the fuck up, " yoongi curse and everyone chuckled .

"you're so mean, " namjoon pouted before continuing his sentence, " as I was saying today we'll be getting lunch before heading to the dance room to start practising on the dance, "he said and everyone shout out an 'okay'.

I increased the volume of the radio and bobbed my head to the beats of the song, feeling myself relax.

looking into the rear view mirror, I saw how jungkook was silently giving me death glares and I just rolled my eyes to it.

hiding a laugh at how pissed jungkook is because how can i not? he's stuck between two idiots jimin and taehyung at the back while mika is in the second row with hoseok and yoongi by her side.

"yo mika we dancing for the opening show, "I told her while turning the steering wheel to park.

"I know, that's why we're going to the dance room. boi, "she replied sassily and everyone just 'ooh'ed' to it.

parking the car everyone went down and rushed to 'the mins' to order their favourite food while I'm walking at the back with mika by my side.

"so what did you and jungkook talked about? " I asked while slinging my arms around hee neck.

"just stuffs? " she replied unsurely while looking up to me.

"oh okay, " and our conversation just died off at there as we entered the shop.

a/n I finally published. hope it's a good one thou; -;

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