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I can't write...


"I feel like I've been neglecting you lately, sweetheart. I'm sorry," Ethan pouts, staring at Sophia with big doe eyes. He pulls her onto his lap, saying, "Let's go out for dinner later." These past few weeks Ethan has had to deal with tons of work, being the CEO of his company and all. Sophia would go home without him at her side, to protect her, to hold her, to accompany her. She ate alone, Ethan telling her that he would be eating elsewhere later before going home. She went to sleep alone every night and woke up alone as well. One night, Ethan came home to see Sophia's face stained with tears, terrible, right? It absolutely broke his heart and now he wanted to make up for everything.

"But, what about your work?" Sophia asks him, looking at her fingers as she plays with them. He takes her hands into his, making her look up. He presses a chaste kiss onto the tip of her nose, making her face flush.

"I'm pushing it back." Sophia's eyebrows furrowed. She shouldn't be the cause of Ethan not doing the work he's supposed to do. Ethan senses her worrying about lhis work, being the good fiance he is. He nuzzles at her throat before speaking. "It's fine, princess. I'm telling you." Sophia makes an endearing noise, snuggling into the crook of Ethan's neck and sniffing in his muscular scent. The fact that the scent is natural—though not as strong—makes her sigh in delight.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight," Sophia says, getting off of Ethan's lap and pressing a brief kiss on his lips. Ethan smiles with his eyes and waves Sophia goodbye. Sophia gets back to her office and sits down at her desk, pulling paperwork out. She scrunches her nose up in disgust at the stack of papers in front of her. Deciding against actually working, she goes on Twitter, looking through her notifications and replying to DMs. A DM gets sent in as she turns to that page and she goes into it. In the DM is a video from Island Records. Sophia opens the video, not realizing that it is Shawn singing. Another notification pops up from the DM she was just in.

I think that Shawn wrote this song for you...

Sophia goes back into the video, shaking her head and listening closely to the lyrics.

Do you, do you think about me?
And do you, do you feel the same way, yeah?
And do you, do you remember how we feel?
'Cause I do, so listen to me, baby

And I'm not tryna ruin your happiness
But, darling, don't you know that I'm the only one for you?

Sophia shuts her phone off after replying to the girl with a 'I don't think so.' She sighs, placing it somewhere else where she won't get distracted with it while she is going through the paperwork. Getting inattentive just by thinking about it makes her forget about work and go out to get coffee. Sophia decides that she needs it. Badly.


"Reservation for Ethan Carver," Ethan holds onto Sophia's hand, rubbing circles into the back of her hand with his thumb. He knows that she loves it when he does that, it makes her feel content and tranquil. The man standing behind the counter (A/N: okay I have absolutely no idea what they're called and what the man's title is. He's like the person who checks for reservations and brings you to the tables like ?????) flips through his book of reservations and finds Ethan's name.

"Right this way," the man smiles then turns to lead the couple to their table. Sourdough breadsticks sit in a bowl on the table along with two white plates. Napkins folded to look like swans are waiting to be unfolded. The table that was reserved by Ethan and Sophia is by the windows, letting them have a good view of the sunset and city in front of them. The couple take a seat, Ethan releasing Sophia's hand to pull her chair out for her then going to his own. "Here are your menus, someone else will be back to take your orders in a bit."

"Geez, Ethan," Sophia mutters, looking at all the prices of the food. The tall male looks up from his own menu to look at his fiancee. "All the meals here cost like $50 each." Sophia looks up to meet his sparkling eyes. Ethan chuckles at her adorableness. It's as if she doesn't know how much money he makes a year. She's eaten at many fancy restaurants with him before and all the food they've consumed has been expensive. For Pete's sake, everything Ethan owns or eats is expensive. His porsche is expensive, his penthouse is expensive, his suits are expensive. It doesn't matter though. He keeps earning more and more money each year as the stocks go higher and higher.

"That's not a problem, baby. Eat up," he smiles at Sophia. She looks back down at the menu, cheeks flushed and hurting from smiling so hard at her pet name. Baby. Every time Ethan says it, she can't help but blush. Through the years they've been dating, she has never gotten used to it and Ethan loves that.


A man sits at a table with a partner of his own. He keeps on staring at another woman though. That other woman's eating and laughing with someone who isn't him. He can't help but feel jealous and wish that he was the man sitting across that intriguing, beautiful woman that he knows. He probably even knows her better than the man himself.

"Shawn, you guys are done now," Shawn's partner reaches her arm out to flick the other. Shawn's attention focuses back to his partner who glares at him with a deadly glint in her eyes. "We're a thing now, they're a thing. You will not change that, got it?" Briana asks, tilting her head to the side, expecting the right answer from Shawn. He nods and turns his head back to look at Sophia though finds her gone along with the man she was sitting with. He looks towards the exit where the man has his hands intertwined with Sophia's and they're walking out. He looks down at his expensive meal, playing around with it instead of eating it. He lost his appetite though gained sadness. Damn, Sophia.


wow holy shit that took me so long to write a whole month nfjnmdfja

thank you for reading my amazing camel/whale!

pokemon go: AnnaWuuHuu
starpop: AegiChen


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